Chapter seventeen

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Joe met loads of fans. He had fun. Me,however. I didn't. I really didn't. I keep getting hate. People are telling me to kill my self and cut. They are also telling me that I'm worthless and that Joe doesn't love me. I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure that Joe loves me. I know I'm worthless. You just make me feel even more worthless.

I might just stop YouTube for a while. Maybe I wouldn't get hate then. Lots of joes security are in here with me. I get up and walk to the toilet. As soon as I get there I get my phone out.

"Hello,so you all know that I'm in Liverpool today. But that's not the point of this video. I just want to say that I'm taking a break for a few weeks. I know I've just started this but I'm getting so much hate I can't carry on. I'm sorry." I put my hand against my phone camera.

I leave the toilet. Everyone looks at me. The security all start to surround me.

"Hannah are you okay?". One of them ask.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just you went off we wondered if like." One of the other security said,her voice trailing off.

"What if I cut?", I roll my eyes.

"Well Joe did say something to me yes Hannah. He's worried about you. Are you sure your okay?"

"I don't know anymore", I walk off.

Why would Joe tell his security? I don't understand. They aren't here for me their here for Joe. But I guess if Joe's upset he would tell them. He just wouldn't tell me.

After the signing I don't talk to anyone, not even Joe. I just get in the taxi and go back to the hotel. When we get to the hotel I just lie on the bed.

[Note to reader
•sorry this part isn't as long as they normally are. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes]

New York Love - A Joe Sugg fanfic (finished)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang