Chapter twelve

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It's about a week later. Joe is going on a book tour soon. He said I can come if I want. I'm not to sure if I want to our not, I'm still thinking about it. I have FIVE THOUSAND subscribers already. Pretty sure most of them are from Joe. But it's still pretty cool that it didn't flop. It's a Sunday today. I'm just in bed,then my phone beeps.

"Call from+44 7885 369937", my phone lights up. It's a British number. I don't answer,they leave a voice mail.

"Kill your self",it sounds like my brother.

My phone starts going crazy with all these texts from a random number.

"I'm coming to New York. You better be ready,I'm coming for you."

I don't answer, I keep getting endless texts.

"Unless you kill your self first."

"I'm waiting."


"Do what you do best."


"Hannah. Kill your self."

"No one cares. Not even your so called boyfriend."

"Just end your life and everyone will be happy."

Joe went out this morning,to see Zoe. I think he's getting her to say sorry. I'm alone. Whoever texted me was right. I don't even have Joe here right now. I don't want to bother Joe. He always told me he would be here.

I decide to call Joe. But someone else answered. It didn't sound like Joe at all. I don't know who it was. They told me to kill my self. Then my hanged up. It must be all in my head,but it doesn't feel like that. This feels real. I just want Joe. I check Instagram to see if I had any new followers. I decide to post. Saying I'm scared and upset. The response I got was unbelievable. Most comments was positive. Most people said they are always here for me.

Apart from a few comments,all by the same person.

"That's good Hannah as no one cares. For all you know joe could be dead or lost. But you only care about your self."

I leave the comment for a bit,but they kept sending it over and over again. I decide to respond.

"Thanks,means so much. I don't know who you are. But you have no right to comment that on my posts. If you could leave right now that would be great."

They comment back.

"I'm not leaving until I have you dead."

A lot of people must of saw the comment. As they started sticking up for me.

I get a call from an unknown number, I leave it,as it could be anyone. I get a voice mail from the number. It sounds like Joe. I decide to call the number now I know who it is.


"Hello Hannah?"


"No Hannah,someone stole my phone,I had to get it replaced. The police are looking for the person who stole it."

"Joe I'm sorry. I know this isn't the right time. But could you come home as  soon as you can? Something has happened." I burst into tears.

"I'm on my way Hannah, don't you dare do anything. Okay?"

"Okay.... I'll see you in a minute"

Joe gets home. He walks up to me and hugs me. I show him my phone, what the number said to me. I start crying again.

"You didn't do anything Hannah did you?"

I start crying more.

"Hannah please don't cry,just talk to me. Please."

"Your get mad at me Joe."

"I won't,I promise."

I show him my arms, I also cut my legs  and my ankle. But I don't mention that. 

"Hannah did you do it anywhere else?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes Hannah,it matters."

"Joe it doesn't,just tell me about what happened at Zoe's."

"I won't tell you until you answer my question."

"You....You can't make me."

"If you love me your tell me."

I show him my legs. That was a bad idea. I started crying. So did he. I don't blame him, he doesn't deserve someone like me.

"Joe,I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry,I wasn't here to stop you."

We both look into each other eyes.

"Im going to be alright Joe."

"Are you Hannah?"

"Trust me Joe."

"Don't do it again Hannah,please don't."

"Joe,like I said before. It's hard not to. It's like I have to do it."

"I know how you feel. I haven't cut. But I know how you feel. I've done some pretty stupid things." Joe starts crying.

"Joe,talk to me."

"Before I met you,I was going though a very bad time. Everyone turned against me. My parents kicked me out. I wanted to kill my self. Everyone told me how stupid and worthless I was. Of course I believed them. I starved my self. I saw a doctor about it,they just said it was nothing. I was rushed to hospital almost every weekend. They just told me I would be fine. I wasn't. I couldn't stop not eating anything. It hurt when I ate. Like I was doing something wrong."

"Joe,I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. When did you start eating again?"

"The day me and Zoe met you."

There was silence. We both starting looking at each other.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be,Hannah. I'm going to order you something okay"

"What is it?",I ask.

"Your have to wait and see"

[Note to reader
•This part is quite long,but a lot happens so it's worth a read.]

New York Love - A Joe Sugg fanfic (finished)Where stories live. Discover now