The Cold Hands

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I found the dorm door opened and I found a letter on one of the beds reading:
                  Dear Mika,
I hope you found your dorm well. You have been organized into the Teligincia group. Your first term will be over super hero's and the second will be villains in those times you will also learn about the sidekicks. We hope you have a great time here and please meet in the central dining room at 7pm sharp.

                                          Mrs. Winkle
        Huh I actually made it. I checked the time and it was 6:45 pm so I have enough time to unpack and read the handbook.


        I arrived in the central dining room at exactly at 6:59. I skimmed the room for a open seat and I spotted one on the far right corner so I jogged over there before someone sat down before me. The seat was really comfy that I could sleep in it for weeks and not get a cramp. Then a older women walked onto the stage and started to prepare her speech.
        "Attention please!" She yelled. Everyone quieted down. "Okay you will have to work with me here, because the next group will be  coming in at 8:30. Okay so welcome to the Justice League School! We hope you turn out successful through out your six years here. You get a week off every two months and are required a few longer breaks between then. On weekends you are allowed at home as long as you have your own transportation. Yalls curfew is at 10:00 it will go back 30 more minutes each year you are here so when you leave it will be at  1:00 when you leave. You get holidays off and you each have a little group of people you will practice and learn from that will follow you until you leave. Each one of you will receive a green note card giving a suggestion of the 3 choices you should join as an adult. Now breakfast is at 7:30 am and the first class starts at 8:15 am the day of class will end at 3:15 pm. You will be excused for being late for the first week afterward you will have an extra 15 mind after class to do work. You get 10 hall passes for each 15 week term.  Each student has a free 30 minute period to do as they please but if they have an f they will go to the that class during that time. Now my name is Mrs. Winkle and I'm your head master and have a good night!"
         I then shot up to go meet her but before I got there there was already a crowed of students. I turned away and walked on I then heard her vioce.
       "Johnston check your shcedule!" Mrs. Winkle commanded.
        I looked down and it read Mrs. Winkle social studies for homeroom. "Omg! Thank you Mrs. Winkle!" I said.
       I was headed to my room when the Shapeshift er dude popped in front of me.
       "Hey Mika do you want to hangout sometime?"
        "Yeah I guess so." I muffled.
        "Great! Does tomorrow after school work my dorm is number 318." He then walked off.
         I continued walking and I went to my dorms building. But I tried to walk in but there was a crowed of people circled around something. I stood on my tippy toes and I saw a girl laying on the ground, she was just laying there, she was DEAD.
       I gasped when I heard it and I took off crying. I wiped the tears from my eyes when I saw smoke appear over there. Then it was gone and so was the dead girl. I was freaked out. I started screaming because I heard a vioce saying
      "Mika come join my team and we can rule the world hahahahahahaha!" The stage vioce shoutetd in my head.
      "No no no leave me alone!"I shouted in horror. I felt cold hands wrap around my body like they were about to take me but they just gave me a comforting hug. I turned around to see because they let go but no one was to be found.
     Mrs. Winkle told everyone to leave the door way and a young women lead them to the back door. I got up and followed them.
         When I got to my dorm I found the green card Mrs. Winkle talked about I picked it up and it read

      Dear Mika,
         We have came up with a SUGGESTION of what you should be when you grow up  the test results we took on you was:
    • 8% sidekick
    • 36% superhero
    • 56% villian
         Remember this is just a SUGGESTION this is not what you have to be but you will do better as a villian.

                                      Mrs. Winkle

     What I can't be 56% villian I have to be 100% super hero. My parents are going to be so disappointed in me. I layed down on my bed when I heard two people walk in.
      "I wonder who our roomie is." Said a girl with short curly hair.
       "I don't know maybe we should ask her." Siad the one with dark straght hair.
        "True. So hey who are you?" The curly haired girl said.
         "Oh hey I'm Mika Johnston and you are?" I siad.
         " I'm  Lilly Stewart and she is Mia Star." Siad the girl with dark hair. "So we are  not going to bed and it seems you already have so good night." They went to the bathroom to chit chat.
        I closed my eyes and I slowly drifted off.

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