Cahpter 1

6 1 1

Last time
The monkey won

The dragon was very mad, so they cursed the monkey with a curse that is a curse and stormed off inside a storm cloud to go steal a princess and burn down a medieval village and fight a knight but that's for another story. 
The monkey cried and it started raining because we can't have a sad moment in movies without rain now can we. As the monkey cried in the rain a cat walked up to them and said 'I like nachos. It's raining. Want an umbrella."
The monkey cried some more bcuz eet wus stell pooring waterr frum de skai end de skai wus syeel faalenj in watteerr furm the monkey said "i like umbrella nachoes too" said the minkey. And they got married brcayse this is a romantic novel too.

If you dont liek dont read ;^}

Stay tuned for the trashy romantic wedding

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