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It hurts to know someone you love betrays you. It does.

The last thing I remember before falling asleep was hearing "She's not healthy." And they're right. Who ever said that is completely healthy. After being in the hospital that weekend I was told I have bipolar disorder, anxiety and possibly be insane. "Take it easy Ms. Miles. Tell your step dad I said hi." The desk worker said. I smiled and waved, "Thank you. I will Mrs. Charleson."

Hollis picked me up, he looked at me, worried and he had another flower in his hand. I walked out with my coat. I stood a good two feet away from him. It drew awkwardly quite.

"They..told me I have bipolar disorder and anxiety. I could end up being insane, you know like Harley Quinn from Batman." I said.
"I know." He said. "I'm just glad you aren't dead."
The storm was rolling in, thunder broke out and I jumped. Hollis hugged me, kissed my head and helped me into his car.
It was a horrid Sunday afternoon. We drove past a church and there was four coffins. Three children were brutally murdered last week by their sister who was a friend of mine, she was also buried. She ended up killing herself. I glanced at the mother, who's husband had to pry her off of her son's coffin. I'm friends with her daughter.

Hollis held my hand, "You hungry?"
I nodded, he smiled and kissed my hand. His lips were warm but my hands were ice cold.
"I'm sorry for everything and anything that I have done." I said to break the silence. We pulled into a diner. Once we got inside, we ordered and shared some fries.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom." I said, walking before he could say anything to me. Once I got into the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't recognize myself. I looked dead and pale, like a whole new person. I wiped my face off with cold water and tapped my cheeks.

"Pull yourself together Quinn. So what if your friend was a murdered and you just so happen to pass the funeral of her and her brothers." I sighed and walked out.

"Quinn Miles. What a surprise." I stopped walking. I didn't turn around right away, but that voice..that deep voice, where have I heard it before?

"I haven't seen you since the fourth grade. Remember me? I was the one who tugged you by the pony tail and called you a baby."

I turned around to see Ryder George. I smiled and adjusted my glasses. He was different.

"Wow you really shaped up! I mean grew up. Haha." He smiled and whistled, "So have you. Damn, didn't know the nerd would turn out to be"

I stared in disbelief.
"Now dude, that's not how you compliment a beautiful young girl. Especially when she has a boyfriend." Hollis said as he wrapped his right arm around me.

"Well I be damned. Hollis Johnstown. It's been ages man." He chuckled and sipped his drink.

"It has. I heard you were in a band that got arrested for drugs."

"Nope, only the drummer." Ryder said.

"Well Quinn and I were just leaving. She had a rough week. I was going to help her get stress free." Hollis said. Ryder smiled and laughed, "So like you're gonna fuck her?"
I grew red and looked the other way. Hollis chuckled and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Not exactly. More like have a Batman marathon and How I Met Your Mother." I tugged on his shirt, letting him know I wanted to leave. "Well we should be heading out. Have a good one man." He said.

"You too." Ryder said, he winked at me. I smiled and waved goodbye. Once Hollis and I got to his car I looked at him, "Were we really going too-" he sighed. "No. Only if you wanted too. Because I refuse to do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

I smiled, held his hand and kissed it. I was lucky. Really fucking lucky.

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