Chapter Twenty-Four

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Suicuide Note by Kyle Spratt, One Thing by One Direction, Riding My Wave by Nova, I'm Not The Only One by Sam Smith, Stole My Heart by One Direction, Unconditionally by Katy Perry, Voodoo Doll by Five Seconds of Summer, Lips Are Movin" by Meghan Trainor, Slow Motion by Trey Songz, I'm Fallin' by Mindless Behavior, Last Night by The Vamps, and All Around the World by Mindless Behavior

I look at the two women and it takes everything in me to not break down and cry.

"Isabelle. Is that really you?," my mom asked looking at me in disbelief.

"Yes mommy, it's me," I say.

I hated her for her abandonment, but I would be lying if I said that my heart is leaping with joy. Not only because I am in front of her right now, but also because I know that she is okay. Without letting another second pass by my mother and godmother embraced me into a hug. It felt so warm and it filled me with happiness. I don't know how to feel. My body is filled with so many emotions.

I wrap my arms around them and we stay there for a while until Louis clears his throat. Suddenly the hate that I had for them came back and I quickly withdrew my arms away. I start to scratch the back of my head as the two women looked at each other and then Louis and I awkwardly.

"Well come in.," my godmother, Anne, says as her and my mother moves out of the way.

I looked at Louis and he nods his head at me. I sigh heavily and walk in the door with Louis close behind. Anne closed the door as my mom directed Louis and I to sit down on the couch. Louis and I sat next to each other, across the room from my mother.

"Well Isabelle, are you going to introduce us to this young man that you have with you?," my mom says.

"You haven't seen me in over ten years and the first fucking question you ask me is who the hell am I with!," I say infuriated with her words.

Anne and my mom widen their eyes at the sudden out burst and frowned. Both of them giving me a motherly glare and a sad look at the same time. I roll my eyes as I felt Louis put a hand on my thigh as a sign of comfort. I looked at him and he gave me a small nod. I take a deep breath and nod back.

"I'm sorry. This is my fiance Blaire." I say looking down at my hands as I fiddled with them.

"Fiance?," my mom and Anne questioned.

"Yes. I proposed to her this morning.," Louis says speaking up.

"And who did you ask to have my daughter hands in marriage?," my mother says spitting out her words with hatred.

"He asked me for my hand. He doesn't need the permission or the blessing of the people who abandoned me, who didn't care if I was alive. You guys told me to leave and to never come back. You told me that if I didn't get into college on a full scholarship then you would've never paid next semester tuition. I can't believe you have the fucking audacity to make him feel as if he can't marry me. You never fucking loved me, all you ever did was use me so that you can say 'That's my kid' well I am not your kid. Not anymore. Never again.," I spit at my mother.

I was close to crying, but I didn't give her that satisfaction. I couldn't. My mom looked down at her lap and started to dust away invisible particles on her pants. I felt bad for disrespecting her, but she broke me. She abandoned me when I needed her the most and that broke my heart. Louis held my hand and kissed my forehead.

"I am so sorry Ma'am. When I proposed to Isabelle the situation she had with you guys was buried. After she told me about you, she never said anything about it after that day," Louis says trying to be polite.

"Would you guys like some tea?," Anne says trying to lighten the mood.

I look at the wall clock and see that it's almost three in the afternoon. The time Anne makes tea.

"I do believe that Isabelle and I would love to stay for tea.," Louis says.

"She can speak for herself.," my mother spat softly.

Anne gave my mom a glare and she rolled her eyes and went upstairs without excusing herself.

"I'll go get the tea.," Anne says leaving Louis and I alone.

I look up at him and he gives me a small smile.

"Are you ok?," he ask with wonder in his eyes.

"I told you I didn't want to be here.," I say giving him a glare.

"I know what you said. I just feel as if it is best if you see them while you are here. Besides, I didn't know that your mother was going to be here. I just thought it was going to be Anne and her husband.," he says giving me an apologetic smile.

"Doesn't matter. I guess, I'll just have to deal with that.," I say rolling my eyes and laying my head on his shoulders.

"I will never do anything to intentionally hurt you. You know that right?," Louis asked looking down at me and furrowing his eyebrows.

I look up at Louis and I furrow my eyebrows. Is he trying to subliminally tell me something? I can feel my heart starting to race and I get a bad feeling. Is Louis dying? Is he going to kill me or something? I wonder what it is that is going through his head right now. I wish I can read minds.

"Yea, I know that. Why wouldn't I?," I asked Louis making sure that I am catching the right drift.

"I don't know. I thought that you might have forgotten. I know that we are restarting this friendship thing over again, but I don't want you to feel like you can't trust me. I see the way that you look at me. Like I'm a stranger, a predator. I'm not Harry, please don't treat me like it.," he asks politely.

I give Louis a small smile and I nod at him telling him that I understand. Just then Anne walked into the room.

"The tea will be ready in any minute.," Anne says as she sat down in her previous seat. "I am sorry for your mother's actions Izzy. She just miss you.," Anne says.

"It's alright," I say giving Anne a small smile.

It wasn't alright! How dare she treat me like this. Miss me? How can she miss me when she's been acting like a complete bitch since she saw Louis. I know that it was wrong for me not to tell her about the engagement or inviting her to the wedding but-. Wait. What am I thinking? It's not like Louis and I will get hitched for real. It is just something for a cover up.

"So Louis, tell me something about yourself. How did you and my Izzy meet?," Anne asked my pretend fiance.

"Well it's actually quite typical. She was an intern. I thought she was extremely beautiful, but since she was juggling college, the internship, and God only knows what else, I didn't bother her. When I did actually talk to her she was new to the job as an employee. When I was training her she was all over me and pretended to be clumsy, but every since I laid my eyes on her. I knew she was the one.," Louis explained.

The story was somewhat true. You know besides the internship thing. I wasn't interested in internship during college. I already had a hard time to focus on my friends and Elliot that an internship would have made everything ten times harder to do.

"As I remember it, you were the clumsy one and was all over me.," I say pushing him playfully.

"Okay, Okay. I get it.," Anne says trying to hush us.

All of a sudden you can hear the high screeching of the teapot in the kitchen.   

Mission 1832: Harry StylesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon