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Do you ever stop and think about how ridiculous we all are

Like someone literally gave us life and all of us

Are just ready to give up it's completely retarded

Isn't it funny how ready kids today are to give up on life?

They take it all the way to posting selfies of themselves with bleach

Say anything about death and at least two "sames" are sure to follow

Everyone is ready for the end of their life

but they don't even recognize what they've been given

Do you know how much someone has sacrificed for you?

How much they care your mother birthed you she went into labor

And now you're ready to give it up.

Someone out there went through the trouble of creating you

Someone kept you alive fed and clothed you

Someone made your life possible

But no it doesn't matter

Why? Because you don't care

Whether it be because it's what others are saying or you believe it to be true

You don't care

So much has been sacrificed for you

For you to have this life you live

And yet here you are bragging about how much bleach you have

Stocked up like it's the bloody end of the world

And bleach is the only food you have left

You are so ready to give up on it

You say it all the time

And don't say just because I say it doesn't mean I meant it

Because that's worse

You're terrifying those who love you for nothing then

So much has been sacrificed for you

Do you know your family?

What if one day a man bumped into a woman spilling her coffee?

Then offered to buy her another?

And from that one moment that one small moment in history

Your great grandmother your grandmother and your mother a you were born

All from a cup of coffee

All from one accident

And just like that poof with four little words you're ready to give it up

"I want to die"

Apparently you want to die to the point

Where you are fighting about who gets to die first


Because it's just life right?

Not like it's important...


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