Goodbye For Now

15 3 2

My feet are cold

As I sit by the creek

And stare at my reflection

While the wind makes ripples in the water.

Distorting my face not enough to make me unrecognizable,

But enough to make me question if it's me.

I have been away from here for a while.

Sometimes you get busy

And as I sit back and look around the clearing

memories and images flood my mind

Of a little girl running across the creek with her older sister

Chasing a bunny she had seen

Picking berries with her friends

Jumping from stone to stone across the creek

And then falling in

The creek only about two feet deep was fine for the little girl

But was complained about by her friends

"The water was too cold or it was too muddy or too slippery"

But the little girl never minded the temperature

Or the dirt or anything

She grew up in this place

This simple clearing of trees

So natural but what seemed like magic to a five year old.

But sometimes you grow up and forget magic.

Sometimes you don't remember till you go back.

And as I sit and watch myself in the creek I grew up next to.

I stand and walk home.

Leaving for now.

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