2-letters to heaven

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Dear Daddy, 10th March 2010

It's me your son. I miss you so much.

Why did you go? Mum said you died, but I don't know what that means. She says that you no longer breathe, I tried to stop breathing to find you, but you weren't there. Where are you daddy?

Love Your Son

Dear Daddy, 15th March 2010

I want to talk to you so much! I'm going to send these letters to heaven (mummy told me that's where you are), so you can read them and know I care. How do you get to heaven?

Mummy said that it is very hard to get to heaven. Is it very far? I really want to go! I miss you so much. Mummy said that daddy is beyond reach. But your taught me to never give up. I will find you daddy. Why did you go daddy?

Love Your Son

Daddy? 21st March 2010

Will you ever reply to me? I'm scared. Mummy is crying a lot! I don't know why!

Today we went to a cenertary (I think that's how you spell it). Peepole kept hugging me and saying sorry, they said sorry for my loss. Is this becuse I lost my tooth?

Daddy, they also said they said their goodbyes to you. Daddy why didn't you say goodbye to me? Why didn't you say I love you? Why did you leave? I really miss you! Please reply

Love your Son

10th Arpil 2010

Daddy? Where have you gone? You haven't been here for us! You need to come back! Mummy is really sad! You shouldn't have gone!

Come home please dad

Love Your Son

Dear Daddy 6th May 2010

Today we looked at world maps. I tried to find heaven but I couldn't! I asked my teacher where heaven is and that I'm looking for heaven. Then she looked at me with the saddest face. A single tear slid down her face. Has she lost anyone to heaven? She gave me the biggest hug. She told me heaven is a good place, but it isn't on a map. She said I have to wait to go there.

I will see you soon!

8th May 2010

Dad, I understand that you left but why? Why can't you come back? Mummy is getting very sad! She likes to drink something called Alcole, I don't know what it is but it is making her very angry. Daddy I want to see you and vist!

Love You

Dear Dad 30th June 2010

Today mum got angry at me. Really angry. She was so angry she hit me. Daddy, come back please. Make mummy happy again.

I Love you Your Son

Dear Daddy 22nd Nov 2010

Mummy is happy again, she found a guy and is dating him. I don't get it, why is she sheating on you? I asked her and she said that you were gone! but daddy your still here you just away and you gonna come back.......RIGHT????.Dad come back and tell her that what she is doing is wrong. the guy she is dating doesn't like me, but I don't like him ether. He is just not nice!

Please comeback, I miss you! Where are you living, tell me, reply, I want to vist you!

Love Your Son

Daddy, 10th March 2011

Mums boyfriend broke up with her. She is sad again. She has gone back to alcole. Daddy please come back before mummy gets angry again.

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