11 ; [pretend love]

Start from the beginning


"You look nice, where are you heading off to?" Steve asked, as he entered Wanda's room to observe the doings of his team member.

Wanda carefully looked over her outfit in the mirror, attempting to admire her figure in her own reflection. She wore tight black jeans that were reasonably high waisted, black heeled boots that were wrapped around her feet as they gave her much more height, and a deep red cropped shirt that symbolised her bestowed power and unlimited source of abilities. Wanda's hair was tied back with a black ribbon, as small strands were released without force. Her makeup was kept to a minimum, seeing as she didn't really own much makeup, Wanda didn't see a use for it if she were just to continue to fight battles.

"The bar that's a couple blocks down, Bucky wanted to announce something." Wanda rushed to find for her belongings, that were her main common essentials.

"What does he need to announce?"

"Something big, I hope." Wanda sighed deeply, then smiling widely as she found her purse buried underneath the clothes laid mindlessly on her untidy bed.

"Have fun, don't stay out too long, because I was hoping you'd want to join me in a workout tomorrow morning." Steve stated, leaning against the doorframe as he slowly yet surely back away from her room until he was gone to another destination much more important. Wanda didn't take down his offer of joining him in physical activities, since he had left without a notice.

She scanned for her jet black leather jacket to keep her warm from the cool weather, Wanda then came to a halt to see her jacket peaking from underneath a set of different designed dresses. She quickly pulled at it until it had completely arisen from the under the many layers of clothes. Wanda slid her arms through the sleeves of the jacket, instantly feeling the warmth of the inside as it was covered in quite thin fur. She groaned in panic to see her room looking as if someone committed a crime, attempting to hide the deceased body and scene with numerous selection of clothes. Her eyes rolled as Wanda's hand outstretched to use her abilities upon the clothes, ordering them to fix itself by the power of telekinesis. Wanda smiled as she then over looked the entire premises of her room, sighing in relief as she left her room, purse clutched and jacket safely secured around her torso.

"Tony, I'm going out." Wanda bellowed, hearing the familiar clicking of her heels against the flooring. She watched as Tony rose his head from his current project, dark circles hanging below his eyes.

"Be safe." He acted as if he were her dad, since he was quite like a fatherly figure to her after many friendly chats and shared words were said between each other.

"You mind if I borrow your car?" She asked with slight embarrassment that she had asked such a thing.

"Which one?" Tony asked with a heavy smirk playing on his lips, showing his overly cocky side.

"The ones you have the keys to right now." Wanda shrugged as she didn't know what to respond with, she wasn't a big fanatic about cars and which ones were which.

Tony dug deep into his pockets to hear the jiggle of keys in his hand, pulling them out from his pocket to throw. Wanda was near to drop them due to her undying trait of clumsiness.

"Thank you." Wanda hurried to the immense garage that was filled with many different vehicles, mostly owned by Tony. Steve's motorbike was seen in the midst of the other bikes, the colours of his suit printed as a logo to signify his ownership of the bike.

Wanda examined the car keys that would allow access to any of these insanely expensive cars, she was excited to see which car was to be picked. Her fingers gently pressed against the button to activate the car and unlock it, she discovered the car that she was going to use by seeing the headlights appear brightly. Wanda admired the car as she approached it, a black metallic mechanism as the tires were traced with a deep red. She gasped in astonishment, taking in the beauty of the car. She then scoffed to know that she will be arriving at the bar with an expensive car that she had not bought herself, which in fact belonged to her team member. A hand gripped the smooth door handle to open it, the inside had black leather seats and a red traced steering wheel, the steering wheel was very much similar to car tires.

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