Part 46: The Roscureauxs

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All the names of the Roscureauxs are after different Shakespearean characters.

Benvolio and Thibeault are from Romeo and Juliet. Benvolio is the youngest of Romeo's friends and arguably is representative of the goodness and innocence in Romeo whereas his other friend, Mercutio, represents the volatile and impulsiveness in Romeo. Thibeault is Juliet's cousin and not related to Romeo at all. As you could see in the past chapter, Thibeault is a bit contrary to the rest of his family.

Orsino is from the Twelfth Night. He's not really similar to his character other than he falls in love with every woman he sees and is a bit ridiculous but he's not as eccentric as the character in Shakespeare.  Sebastian is also from the Twelfth Night and he's nothing really like the character in the play.

Cordelia is from King Lear (which is amazing btw, please read it). She is the one person in the play who is truly good, who doesn't lie or cheat. She is kindness and purity in the face of crisis.

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