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Taylor seen Winn and she ran up to him. "Aren't we gonna test my powers more."

"Taylor, I'm sorry but-"

"You are training Mon-El, I get it if you need me I'll be leaving." Taylor said.

"No, you heard what Hank said you and Mon-El have to stay at the DEO" Winn told her but she ran away from him only to bump into Mon-El.

"Hey." he said.

"Yeah, can we forget what happen yesterday and start off on a new page because I would love to be friends with you if that isn't a problem." she asked him, she did feel an attraction towards him but she made a promise once Neptune took back control she would get married to her best friend.

"Right of course friends it is, because we have to get to know each other." Mon-El said and she pressed a button on her bracelet making her armor form.

"How about we spar, I never fought someone from Daxam that's if you can take the humiliation, I'm about to bring you." Taylor smirked at him.

"Oh you're on." Mon-El said and they both went to the training room. Winn was there with Kara, Alex and Hank.

"Everything alright with you Taylor, because since last night you've been distance." Kara asked.

"I'm fine, just a little overwhelmed. What are you guys doing here anyways?" Taylor asked.

"Trying to figure out, who put that hole in the wall?" Hank said, Mon-El and Taylor both shrugged their shoulders.

"Why don't we go over the security tapes from last night." Winn said.

"NO" Mon-El and Taylor both yelled out. She grabbed the tablet from Winn snapping it in half.

"It was me, I had a flashback of the day I left Neptune and it really got me mad." Taylor said.

"Then why didn't you two want us to see the security tapes, did something happen between you two that we should know about." Kara and Alex both asked.

"So Mon-El, why don't you tell us what happen before you got here? And how you got into a Kryptonian pod?" Taylor changed the subject hoping they would go along with it.

"She's right you never told us how you got here and got into a Kryptonian Pod." Kara said. The two sighed in relief, Taylor loved her friends truly but they weren't ready to know that they kiss just last night. Kara wasn't too keen on having a Daxamite here on Earth still. Taylor's phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hey, Tim... no I'm not doing anything later.....what does Bruce need...... yeah I'll meet you in Gotham but keep Richard away from me last time I almost broke his spine...okay bye." she hung up. Everyone looked at her, "I have to go to Gotham, Batman needs my help."

"You mean to go see your boyfriend." Alex and Kara teased her.

"He's fifteen." Taylor said.

"Not Tim, Dick Grayson world's sexiest man alive, you two did date." Alex and Kara said.

"He took me out a couple of times he's really sweet but he was in love with his ex Barbara Gordon."

"But I heard they broke up, maybe you two can get back to-" they something like metal bending. The girls turned around seeing Mon-El bending the metal bar, he looked beyond furious. Taylor walked up to him placed her hand on his shoulder calming him down.

"I didn't that was real." Hank said.

"What?" Winn asked him.

"Her people have the power to calm anyone down with one single touch." Hank said and they seen Taylor and Mon-El just staring at each other. "She communicating with him telepathically."

Witchblade | Mon-El |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن