Chapter 4-Are we alone?

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After few days. I was still really hurt. He could live more. W-we could have more than  2 children.

We could be grandma and a grandpa. We could make more memories.

Kids were crying. I told them that dad is at a better place, with angels, sleeping.

One day we came to his grave and I 'talked' with him.

"Hi honey , I brought you some flowers. How are things up there huh? Is everything okay? Please , wait for me." As I placed the flowers I bring children.

"Children say hi to daddy" I told them.
"Hello appa how are things? "-Kwanjae asked.

"Appa, do you eat enough, I could've buy you a ice cream, next time just tell me "- Seulgi said.

I cried just by watching them. "Appa, say hi to angels for me Kay? " Seulgi added .
"Nice dreams dad" Kwanjae said.

And after that we left.

I cried while writing this  chapter.

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