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Diana's POV

I walk with Steve around the city and show him around. I was given the responsibility to watch over him while the others set up the contest that I should be in...

As I walk through the city we arrive to the training area, the sun shines on my warm skin and Steve behind me stops. I stop also and turn around to see him looking around. He sighs a little as if he were out of breath and then his eyes catches mine.

"So, you Amazons must know how to fight right?" Steve asks me trying to get things straight in his mind as Mother warned me so.

"Yes?" I respond to him and then he nods and I get the impression that he thinks I don't. "Are you implying that I don't know? Because I'm the queen's daughter?" I say offended on his expression and he raises an eyebrow.

"Prove it." He says testing me and I make a small smirk. I walk towards the weapon stash and I throw him a wooden staff. Steve catches the staff and I take one for myself.

I walk towards Steve swinging the staff around my body and Steve smirks. "You know I was joking right?" He says charmingly and then I make a serious face.

I attack him by swinging my staff by his leg but he quickly grabs his shield with the colors on it and blocks the attack.

We circle around each other and I try to think of a new move. I run to him and go in for an attack again and purposely swing the staff to the shield and he blocks it as planned. He pushes me off and I go around him kicking him in the leg as he falls to his knees. Steve quickly grabs his staff and swings the staff from underneath me and I jump up dodging it.

Steve quickly gets up from his knees dropping his shield. "You're good at this? But it be sad to watch you loose against me." He says cockily and I chuckle. I drop my staff into the floor going to fight him hand to hand and Steve gets his fists ready to fight.

Steve quickly punches me but I counter his attack. I then swing my leg to his stomach but he catches it. I then jump with my other leg and my other leg wraps around his body and I bring him down to the ground.

Steve lays on his back on the ground as I stand over him. I hand him my hand and smile. "Seems like you were no match for an Amazon man." I tell him and Steve grabs my hand. I pull him up from the floor as his blue eyes meet mine as he stands a feet taller than me in his blue uniform.

"Why aren't you at the contest anyways?" He asks me and as he mentions it I get sad.

"Mother doesn't believe I am skilled enough to meet with the outside world-"

"But you are?..." He says denying my mother. "Where I come from, I'm a skilled hand to hand combat fighter and what you did to me 5 seconds ago was incredible. I've never seen someone move so swiftly and quick." He compliments me and as he speaks to me he speaks with passion and his eyes gleam like the stars on a moonless night.

"Even if I wanted to go, I don't know how I would enter the contest." I say sighing and Steve looks to his right spotting a helmet by the arsenal of weapons and Steve grabs the helmet. Steve puts the helmet on me and he clenches his jaw.

"You could hide your identity." He says and I smile lightly as this is nice of Steve to do for me. It makes me believe that the outside world is worthy to be reunited with us Amazons. Steve is different from the man Mother introduced me to, Steve is sweet and not the stereotypical oppressive man I was told to believe in.

WONDER WOMAN • Steve RogersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang