Chapter 3:Soundcheck, the experience

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I laughed, "Yeah she can be a handful at times, sorry about that."

Calum chuckled in response, "It's all good, I'm about to hang up and go back on stage, but I wanted to let you know that you are to stay in your seat after soundcheck. I'll have security come and get you guys.

"Sounds good, we would have been the last to leave anyway. I'm sure you can see that putting me in a situation ,where you want to see me try to maneuver a crowd, and having the possibility of losing Alex, and how that would be detrimental."

"Ummm, Yeah I guess so..." Calum droned on.

"Calum, because I'm blind, it would be bad if I lost Alex, because she's like my seeing eye dog." I quickly said before Calum said something stupid.

"Oh! Right! I forgot about that," Calum chuckled, "I got to go now Hunter, I'll see you back out there."

"Yeah, you will." I said before hanging up the phone.

I may be blind, but I learned where the end call button was, it came in handy when I was tired of hearing my mom babble on when she would call. Soon I heard screams from the crowd, Calum must be coming back on stage.

"Have a nice 'Private' conversation, Calum?" Michael asked, once again conveniently he had his mic turned back on.

"It was going fine, before they hung up on me..." Calum replied glumly.

"Yo, he's staring right at you." Alex leaned over and whispered to me.

"Let me know if he flips me off after this," I raised my hands above my head and made a, what I hoped was a heart, shape with my hands.

A moment passed and Alex leaned over again, "Oh yeah, he totally just did the classic, "I'm just scratching my nose, not flipping you off" move."

I couldn't help but smile.

Soon things died down again and some staff began walking around taking questions for the question and answer segment of soundcheck.

Alex knew what question I wanted answered, I desperately hoped that the lady would come by to take our question. We ended up sitting around waiting for the staff to make their rounds.

"Hey Chris! There's two beautiful girls over here in the front that have had their hands up for like three hours, how about you go over to them to see what their question is." Michael announced

"Omg he's talking about us isn't he!" I said bouncing in my seat.

"By the wink he just gave us, I'd say yes!" Alex replied

"Is the guy almost over to us?"

"Yeah he's coming down our row, do you want me to help you up?"

"Um, Yeah thanks." Alex stood up and I raised my arm to her so that she could pull me up.

The man handed me the microphone, "Ummm, Hi, I'm Hunter, I'm from Wheaton, Illinois, so like an hour or so north of here, and my question is, would you rather never be able to see or taste ever again?" The venue instantly became silent.

"That's a really difficult question to answer, wow," Ashton replied. "But I would have to answer with I would rather never taste ever again."

"Screw that Ashton, I'd rather lose my sight, I love food to much, if I couldn't taste ever again, then like life wouldn't even be worth living. Like I would hate to wake up one morning and never be able to taste pizza ever again." Michael quickly cut in.

"I'd have to agree with Michael, I mean I'm ugly af, so I'd be perfectly fine never seeing again, but if I could never taste again, well then yeah that would really suck." Calum added.

Blind::C.HTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang