Chapter 2

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Picture:Pandora (7 years old)

"Bye Daddy, and don't forget to bring my dress!" Pandora yelled

"I will, princess. Did you want anyth-" Edgar began but stopped when he saw a tear roll down Iezabel's cheek

"Iezabel?" He said. His voice rolled out like thunder but still sounded like a lullaby

"Do you have to go?" She asked wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand

"Yes, but don't worry, Hayle is going to be here," He said, cupping her face

"O..Okay," She muttered, her red lips twitching into a small smile

"Your Highness, it is time to go," someone called out

"I want all of you to be at your best, okay?" He said, eyeing Pandora

"Yes, Father," They all said.

After he got in the royal carriage, he glanced back and he was off.

"Come on princesses, you must get your rest," One of the servants said, leading them inside


When Pandora and Morana reached their rooms, they decide to go in.

"Let's play a game little sister," Pandora said, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Okay, what about dolls?" Morana innocently asked

"No, we are going to play dress up!" Pandora explained, her voice immediately snapping

"Oh, Okay,"

As soon as they reached the closet, that filled with all kinds of dress, Morana reached out her hand towards the ruby red dress

"No, that's mine!" Pandora yelled, slapping her sister's hand away

"But you always wear the red dress. It's my turn now," Morana said

She was sick of her sister not sharing anything with her.

"Mom brought it for me!" Pandora explained

"No she didn't, you're just making up lies!" Morana said, flinching at the word Mom.

Morana reached out to grab the dress from Pandora, accidentally scratching her sister on the hand.

"Ow!" Pandora screamed, looking down at the little cut.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that," Morana said

She really meant it, she hasn't even thought of hurting her sisters.

Pandora pushed Morana down, her head hitting the hard wall, and kicked her in the chest. By now Morana's body was failing to take in any oxygen.

"Yah, and I'm sure you didn't mean to kill Mom," Her words were thick and strong like honey, but instead of it being sweet, it cut into Morana's heart like a knife.

Morana's body could not take it anymore.

After a while, she thought she heard Pandora scream for help, but she also thought the walls surrounding her were dripping with blood, so she didn't know if she could trust her mind anymore.

Drowsiness washed over her. The world was black now, and she could not see anyone anymore. Morana liked that, she wished it was like this every day so she didn't have to see her cruel sister's face again.

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