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"They've promised that dreams come true, But forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too."



After we were done shopping I suggested we go to a cafe because I was craving a donut. I ordered two donuts, one chocolate covered donut and one nutella filled donut. Both of them were delicious.

"I think we should discuss how we're going to convince our families to let us get married before August." Archer said, out of the blue.

"August?" I nearly choked on my donut. It was June 12th today. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the sooner we get married the less the chance of CPS coming to your orphanage. Also Tom got married two months after my grandfather chose his wife, if I do it sooner he will definitely favour me. But whatever plan we come up with it has to be believable. My parents already suspect that I'm only agreeing to this wedding because I want the business. If they find out that that is the truth then they would definitely tell my grandfather."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, let me finish my donut and then we'll come up with a plan."

I knew he was right, the sooner we got married the less complicated it would be with CPS. But how would we convince our families to let us get married so soon. They knew we didn't know each other very well, and my parents were a little...overprotective ever since... last time. So whatever we decided it would have to be believable and convincing.

"I could say that the kids wanted to attend the wedding too, and since the next school year would start in August it would be best if we had the wedding in early July. That way the kids that need to leave for university could also attend." I suggested.

"Hm. That sounds believable but how do I convince my parents?"

"We could lie and say we have met before."

At this, Archer started choking at his own saliva, "No..No I don't think that would work."

I raised an eyebrow, "Do you have a better plan?"

"No, but....."

"Exactly, we could say that we had mutual friends who introduced us while we were in university and we became friends. What university did you go to?"

"Imperial College London." He replied.

"No way! Me too. What's your major?"

"Business, yours?"

"Architecture, when did you graduate?"

"Class of 2017, you?"

"Me too! Isn't that weird how we never met? I was at most of the events for your major and yet I never even saw you. Even though my ex-boyfriend was in the same batch as you. Maybe you knew him, Carter Williams."

"Yeah, we were.... friends." He said quietly.

We paid for our food and began driving back home. I was a little concerned, I felt like he was hiding something, but we didn't know each other well enough for me to ask him. We were halfway home when my phone rang, I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that it was an unknow number, "Hello?"


I instantly cut the call and blocked the number, I can't believe he had the audacity to call me, it had been three years and he still wouldn't leave me alone. I should have filed for a restraining order when I had the chance. Archer must have noticed the change in my mood because he turned to look at me, "What's wrong?" He questioned.


"Are you sure?"

Before I could reply a car hit us from the right side and our car went off the road and into the forest on our right. The car hit a tree and finally came to a stop.

For a second neither one of us said anything, but then Archer asked, "Are you okay?"

"I.. I think so. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. The car came out of nowhere." It was true, the road we were on was a pretty secluded one way road and people tend to not use this road.

"We're lucky the car didn't flip over."

"We should get out of the car." He said, all of a sudden. .

"Yeah, it's probably not safe to sit in the car any longer."

We quickly got out of the car and walked a few feets away, that's when Archer noticed that my leg and the side of my head was bleeding.

"You probably didn't notice because of the shock." He said helping me sit down on a rock, even though I still couldn't feel anything.


"I'm so sorry, I should have been more careful. This is all my fault." He said regretfully, looking at my bleeding head.

'It wasn't your fault, you couldn't possibly have known that the guy would be driving like crazy."

"I'm still sorry."

I waved my hand to tell him it wasn't a big deal. "We should probably call for help. The guy that hit us probably isn't coming to help."

We both pulled out our phones to call someone but there were no signals.

"We should probably walk to the road, we can probably find signals there."

"I'm going to go get some help, you should stay here, we don't know how deep that wound is," he said pointing to my leg. "Stay here and don't move, I'll be back before you know it."

"That seems like a bad idea, we don't know this jungle at all, you could get lost and never find me again, and I could bleed to death here."

"Yeah, but...."

"No buts... this isn't a horror movie, we have to stick together."

"Okay, and how are you going to walk with a wounded leg?"

"I'm not. You're going to carry me, of course."

"Carry you where? Do you know the way out of this forest?"

"As a matter of fact, yes I do. I grew up in this town, in case you forgot. I can get you out of this forest in no time."

"And then what?"

"Then we call an ambulance and roadside assistance. Ambulance for me, roadside assistance for your car."


He bent down and wrapped an arm around the back of my knees and the other arm around my back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he began walking. He followed my directions and we were out of the forest in no time.

"We're a great team, don't you think?" I said before I was put to sleep in the ambulance.

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