''Well...Looks like we're here...''

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 Liam's P.O.V

Simon's friend drove us to the hotel; It was a very nice place.I really loved it. It was near the Royal Palace. Weird...I never knew Romania was a kingdom!

''Did you guys know Romania  has a kingdom?'' I asked as I sat on the bed.

''Nope. But on the Internet it says that it doesn't.'' Niall said, looking on his phone.

''Let me check that!'' Louis said.

Everything you need to know about Romania.

Romania is a latin country located in the eastern of Europe with the capital at Bucharest. It's well known for it's traditions and culture and the tasty food. What most of the tourists love about this country is the kindness of people and the fact that everything is cheap here. It's also a very clean country and the streets are in the style of the Paris streets.

Romania used to be a monarchy but now it's a republic.

Then Louis stopped reading.

''So it had a kingdom but it doesn't have anymore.'' He said, correcting Niall.

''Whatever...'' Niall said, slowly taking his phone back.

''Guys, it's snowing!!'' Harry said and pointed out the window.

We looked out the window and saw the beautiful snowflakes flying all around. It was beautiful.

''I think we should go for a walk.'' I said.

''I agree!'' Louis said.

''Is it cold out?'' Niall asked.

''No Einstein it's summer!!'' Louis said, rolling his eyes and we started laughing.

We took our coats on and then walked out of the hotel and saw the beautiful streets.

You could almost say it's like in London. The sky was cloudy, lots of tourists and the beautiful buildings.

''Do you guys know a place where we could go now?'' I asked.

''Yeah. It's a place called Centrul Vechi. Here it says it's a very nice place to visit.'' Niall said.

''Well then what are we waiting for?'' Louis asked.

''Apperantly Zayn.'' Harry answered.

Zayn came from upstairs and he was dressed up like he was in the North Pole.

''You know Zayn, it's not that cold.'' Louis said.

''I know but you have to be prepared.'' He said laughing.

We walked around and saw all the interesting buildings and everything looked so beautiful in the snow and it was like a wonderland.

Harry's P.O.V

I really loved this place so far. I mean I thought Romanians were antic peasants but looks like I was wrong... Everyone here was so British-like and they were all smiling and laughing and enjoying the snow.

''Wow... I didn't know the Russian flag looked like this.'' Zayn said, pointing to the Romanian Flag.

''Dude what Russian flag are you talking about?'' Liam asked.

''Well we're in Russia, right?'' Zayn asked raising an eyebrow.

''What?!!! No!!!!'' Louis said.

''WHAT THE HECK?!!!!'' Zayn asked confused.

''Dude you thought we were in Russia?'' Louis asked.

''Of course!! That's where our plane was heading last time I checked!!!'' Zayn said, obviously frustrated.

''Well if you weren't sleeping, you've know we landed in Romania due to the weather!!!!'' Louis said.

''Well how was I supposed to know?!!!'' Zayn asked.

''Didn't you see anything at the airport?'' Louis asked frustrated.

''Well no! I was half asleep! Be happy because at least I walked all by myself!!'' Zayn said.

''Guys... Why didn't we deguise?!!!'' Niall asked.

We realised what he just said and we looked at each other in fear as we heard some girls screaming:

''E One Direction!!!'' They screamed as they approached us.

''RUUUUUUUN!!!'' Louis said and we all started running like crazy back in the hotel.

''OMG o sa le spun fetelor de asta!!!'' One of the girls said as she took out her phone and we realised she's gonna tell the other girls where we are.

''No, please don't.'' I said as he walked out of the hotel.

''OMG Harry Styles a vorbit cu mine!!'' One of the girls that was holding the phone screamed.

''Well whatever you just said, please don't tell anyone we're here... Please?'' I asked as kindly as I could... I really wanted to just chill out this time instead of being mobbed by fans.

''Ok...Don't worry...I won't.'' The blonde girl with the phone said.

''But can I at least take a picture with you?'' She asked, smiling innocently.

''Ok.'' I said, approaching her to take the picture.

''Thank you.'' She said and then they walked away, giggling.

''Problem solved!'' I said as I turned to the rest of the guys.

''H-How did you...?'' Louis asked frustrated.

''I'm simply the best. It' not hard for me.'' I said, giving them one of my fabulous smiles.

''Well then what are we waiting for?'' Niall asked, smiling.

''Let's go to... That place Niall said earlier!'' Louis said, then Niall took out his map and we headed to Centrul Vechi.

I hope you like it so far!! I'll post more soon! See ya!!!!;)

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