Chapter 16

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The bell rang. Class was over. I hopped up like a rabbit and quickly walked out. I heard Jackson yelling my name. I walked faster. I went into the crowd and lost him. I went to my light green locker at the end of the hallway.

When I got to my locker I put in my combination. 25-0-15. I opened my locker and took out my Math Journal and textbook. I slammed my locker door and there he was. Jackson was right there waiting for me. I stormed away but just I took my first step, Jackson grabbed my wrist.

"Can I please talk to you?" I paused for a second and said, "Let me think. No."

"Look, right when you can she immediately kissed me. I had no time to react." He tried to explain.

"I don't fucking want to hear your bullshit." I told him and tried to pull my wrist loose but he had good grip on me.

"Please. Your the only one I want to be with. You have to believe me." He begged.

"I don't know if can ever trust you again. Now let go of me." I growled.

He let go and I stormed away. I went to my math class. As I walked in I saw that the teacher wasn't there yet so everyone was on there phones. They were looking and laughing at something. They lifted there heads up and looked at me.

"Hey look. It's the hotdog girl. From the video." one guy yelled and everyone sprung there heads up and started laughing at me. Haley walked up to me and I asked, "Why are they calling me hotdog girl?"

Haley started laughing and said, "haven't you seen the video?" She pulled out her phone and showed me a video when I tripped and the two hotdogs smashed into my face.

"Oh and we have a special surprise for you, Hotdog girl." She said. Her and the three other girls next to her each quickly pulled out a giant bottle of ketchup.

They squirted out the ketchup all over me. I tried to run away but I slipped on the ketchup that landed on the floor.

I slipped and slides out the door and I ran outside. Out of the school. I just kept running and didn't stopped.

When I got to my house I ran inside and up the stairs. I went into my bedroom and threw off all my clothes. I then went into my closet and grabbed my robe.

I jumped on my bed and cried. It was all I could do then. Just cry.

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