The Beginning

Depuis le début

"Why are you here? To make a mockery of my feelings. Did you really go out of your way to come talk to me about how you were fucking some broad while the two of us were together because I didn't forget Trevor. I'm reminded of it every fucking day. "

"Maybe if we would've been fuckin I wouldn't have left."Once again he pulled the abstinence card on me. The same card that had been pulled constantly during arguments over why he was still dealing with other females. The same card used time and time again as a way to justify his infidelity. As if me wanting to not have sex meant that it was okay to fuck everything walking. 

"You know what forget it. Clearly you just came down here to bullshit with me so fuck this conversation and fuck you Trevor. Please find a way to get it through that thick skull of yours that we are no longer an item and never will be. Fuck you."

"Fuck me? Fuck me? You wasn't sayin fuck me when you was fuckin me."

"I wasn't saying shit when I was fucking you cause I never did, and stop going around telling niggas you hit when you know damn well you didn't."

"You're such a disrespectful bitch. I hope someone whoop ya ass."

"Like you did!" I yelled, quickly regretting the decision.

One hand wrapped tightly around my neck, cutting of the circulation. While the other drew back to punch me. Seconds away from making contact with my face when someone came around the corner. Another face that I knew. 

"Damn bruh don't hit no female." The voice chuckled. Air refilled my lungs as soon as King saw him. He erupted in a laugh that filled the air. I wanted to say something about his laid back attitude towards the situation but King beat me to it.

"Mind ya own damn business." King spat, redirecting his rage.

"Shit I'm just saying." His hands flew up in defense.

"You lucky that nigga was here to save you. We'll deal with this shit next time I see you," King whispered so that it stayed between us two. "And lil nigga, stay outta grown folks business or you gone be the one gettin ya ass whooped." Trevor explained before jogging off. Once he was out of hearing range I turned back to the man that had just saved me who was now walking away.

"I don't need you're help August." I insisted.

"A thank you for saving my life would be nice too Adira."

"Thank you." I said, sarcastically with just a hint of sincerity. 

"You know all you gotta do is say the word and I'll kill him." He said jokingly, but I knew he was serious. Me and August have known each other since we were about 5, we grew up with each other, went to all the same schools, knew all the same people, our moms always said we were destined to be together but neither of us ever saw it. After graduating high our lives both went in polar directions. We went from being best friends from barely knowing each other. I went off to college and August, well August just couldn't seem to leave NOLA behind. We drifted apart and we haven't talked to each other in over four years. My nonchalant attitude was the result of four years of pint up anger. I was selfishly angry at him for not following me off to college, angry that he let me leave him behind, angry that he wasn't able to break free from the street life and dreams of one day making it in the music industry. I was also angry with myself. Angry that I left him, angry that I was not there for him, angry that I failed him, angry that I didn't support his dreams how I should have, and angry because every last day that we were apart I missed my him,he was my best friend. Things were different now, I was back in our hometown as a new graduate, and August well August was a whole new person. Over those four years I have grown, not only physically but also mentally. August on the other hand seemed to have declined. The once always fresh teenager that I had once known was now a battered, broken 20 something. For weeks I had studied him from a distance, trying to build up the courage to eventually speak to the person that I had once scared every waking moment with. That studying led me to the conclusion that August's life had taken a turn for the worst since I left. While I had held a grudge towards August I made sure to keep an eye on him at all times. This is how I was able to know that he got kicked out after his mother found out he was involved in the street mess and was now hoping from couch to couch as he attempted to get his shit together. The same boy that used to vent to me about his dreams of being rich now could not even afford a stable place to stay. 

I found myself in a daze as I thought back on all the times we shared together, a daze that must have been too long because August spoke up, breaking me from my trance of forgotten memories. "You look good A." I brushed of his comment, trying to conceal the slight smile that was attempting to form. I hated August. I told myself for the past four years that I hated August. I told myself that nothing could change my hatred for August. But I lied. Seeing someone in the flesh versus thinking about them is a completely different feeling. It was easy to hate him from miles away but seeing him in person, that smile, those eyes, every memory that we shared coming to mind in an instance, there's no way I could go on hating my bestfriend.

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