Chapter Thirty Three- Queen of Savages

Start from the beginning

I gasped, appalled by the ugly words that he spoke. My people were not savages and to be called such a thing was one the highest insults. I held my temper, my hands clutching the reigns of Aquilo as I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from saying something I would regret. 

Cassander sighed and chuckled, "Ah, my queen your days of reign are counting down. I would careful if I were you," 

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and spoke sternly, "You best remember to watch your tongue Cassander before I have my husband cut it off and serve it to you on a dinner platter," then, I turned to the rest of the laborers frozen in surprise, "You all best remember that. I am your queen and you expect you to give me the same respect as your king,"

They all dropped to their knees, their heads hitting the ground in a deep bow. After sending me a penetrating glare, Cassander slowly went down as well, appearing smaller. In a low voice, I whispered to him. 

"I am not afraid of you," 

Hitting my heel into the side of Aquilo, I rode on through the construction. The nerve of him, I thought, Wait till Alexander hears of this. But he wouldn't hear of it. This wasn't his fight. It was mine this time. 

In the distance, I saw Alexander speaking in hushed tones with Hephaiston. Turning his head, he caught sight of me and smirked. Hephaiston, still trying to capture Alexander's attention, huffed a sigh of frustration. 

"Desert flower, it seems like the city will be done before the next full moon. How does that sound to you?" His Majesty said, helping me from Aquilo's back. 

"Alex, could you take a minute to stop fawning over your wife and actually listen?" Hephaiston snapped. I looked over at Hephaiston in surprise, never seeing him so roughed up before over something so small. 

"Yes, I know the men want to go home, but we are heading further east. Do you think I care what they want? They knew what they were signing up for when they decided to follow me on this journey and I will be damned if I stop now," Alexander hissed in return. 

"They are tired. We have men who are still suffering from battle wounds and even you are still affected by your injury. Some men are sick and in pain. Do you want to lose more men?" Hephaiston argued.

"Say one more word and I will add you to that list of wounded men," Alexander threatened, his eyes shooting daggers into his best friend. 

"Why not allow a part of your men travel back to Macedon and keep the rest here. Or at least let the wounded leave," The words tumble from my lips before I could stop them. 

Alexander whipped his head, a growl escaping his throat in the process. His glare past through me, sending daggers into my very soul. I shuddered in response, but kept my feet firm and my head high. I refused to avert my eyes. 

"No more from you," he said lowly and then turned to Hephaiston. But my mouth just had to open again. 

"Why?" I pressed. 

Before I could realize what was happening, my vision blurred with black spots as I felt a hand wrap around my throat. I gasped my air and my hands went to my throat, desperately trying to pry Alexander's hands from me. Through my blurred vision, I could see the anger in his eyes, all thoughts of reason out of his mind. I coughed and choked from his grip, begging for sweet air. From behind Alexander, I could hear the shouts of Hephaiston and I could faintly see a swelling crowd. 

"You listen to me!" Alexander roared.

"Alexander! You are going to kill her!" Hephaiston cried out, trying to yank him away from me. 

"Your Highness!" another person I believed was Perdiccas hollered. 

In a moment's notice, I was dropped to the dirt. Coughing and gasping, I took in the air like I was starving. My lung felt as though they were on fire and I laid on the ground breathless. Looking up, I met the gaze of Alexander in shock. In only a few moments, he went from being a loving husband to a monster. 

"My queen, are you okay?" Perdiccas asked, offering to help me back onto my feet, but I refused. 

I slowly stood on my own, lifting my head to stare back at my husband. My gaze was unwavering as I saw right through him. I saw past his display of anger and saw what was truly worrying him. I understood. 

He was afraid they would all abandon his mission.

"Ponder over it, Alexander," were my last words before I walked past him and the crowd, Perdiccas following me while pulling the reigns of Aquilo along beside him. 

As I walked with my head held high, I felt the eyes of everyone including my husband staring at me. They all probably thought I had lost my mind, standing up against my husband and conqueror. But I was a queen, whether they believed me to be their queen or the queen of savages, I still was one. As we got further away from everyone, Perdiccas came up to my side and spoke quietly. 

"Do you have a death wish?" he asked in concern.

"No, I have a motive,"

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