Welcome to Earth

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Taylor walked into the DEO, then she seen Kara being thrown out of a window. She watched all of agents go after the man. He was frighten, but at the same time confused, he ran towards Taylor and they stared at each other for a brief moment.

"Freeze." Alex said about to fire at the man .

"Alex no!" Taylor blasted everyone making them hit the wall. He grabbed her hand wanting him to leave with her. "Go, I'll find you. It isn't safe for you here."

"And it isn't for you." the man told her but she just smiled at him. Taylor pushed him then ran upstairs going to help Kara. Taylor help her best friend up, and she seen him run towards the exit/entrance jumping off the ledge, Alex followed him until he jumped.


"I sure pick the wrong day to get rid of all my Kryptonite." Hank said walking towards the girl. Alex was furious at Taylor for letting him go. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine just a little shaken. Where is he?" Kara asked Hank, Alex and Taylor.

"He disappeared in the city." Alex told them.

"Great just what I needed." Hank said.

"Taylor probably knows where he is, she was the one who let him go." Alex said.

"Wait what, you let him go are you crazy?" Hank snapped at her.

"If crazy means helping my race not be held at gunpoint then yes Hank I am crazy, could you not tell he was frighten awaking in a new environment, you all told me when I first came here I was safe and you only hurt aliens trying to kill people. I trusted your word Kara and you broke it." Taylor said flying out of the DEO.


Taylor walked into Jame's office, they were having a meeting about the President along with her new acted. Kara walked inside seeing her best friend writing something down.

"Taylor about earlier Alex freaked out because he threw me through the glass window and you know how she'll protect me no matter what," Kara said but Taylor kept on writing down something. "I know your still angry at me, but is this going to change your mind I'm meeting the president and so are you."

"I do not know who or what a President is, but this isn't what we are meant to talk about this now," Taylor said.

"Welcome guys, to an editorial meeting for the history books. I truly believe, one day we'll stand in front of ours kids and tell them where we were when the President stood up for all individuals' rights. Regardless of birth planet. So, we need a banner headline. Thoughts?" James said leaning against his desk.

"We're just just gonna sit here and pitch headlines." Snapper said cutting off anyone who was gonna speak.

"Well that's how it kinda goes around here Snapper," Jimmy said.

"You don't just come up with a headline first, Olsen. You go on the street first, find the news peg. The headline comes second." Snapper said.

James clears his throat, "Well Cat Grant..."

"Puff Princess did it this way. Put the cart before the horse. You said it already. Are you gonna be a pale carbon copy of your former boss or are you gonna to be a hard news man? Make your own mark," Snapper cut off Jimmy.

"Okay um... let's take a pause on the headline then. Our first priority is to get an exclusive with the president, Everything else today is icing. I say everything else is bread and butter. Scope call the AFL for a response to the bill. Do the unions fear legal aliens are gonna flood the labor market, lower wages? How does the American worker feel about competing for jobs with an alien?"

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