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Washington D.C. - 2014

Nineteen year old Minyara Cunningham's normally perfect life falls into complete shambles when her full-ride scholarship to the prestigious Georgetown University is snatched from her due to a complete, tumultuous misunderstanding.

Even though it's not the best circumstance, Minyara see this as a way out of her parents' reign over the decisions in her life. With her choices now being mostly in her hands, she chooses to attend her top pick to begin with. With everything combining and coming at her from multiple directions, all of these struggles are new for sheltered and privileged Minyara, which just adds more unwanted turmoil to her life.
Twenty-one year old Morgan Harrison could be referred to as the one who "beat the odds".

Growing up in the nitty-gritty of Baltimore, Maryland and becoming the "BMore Savior" was more than what he bargained for...he thought he was just a kid who received blessings for being talented. His life seemed to be at its peak with him receiving a Division One scholarship to Howard University, but only onlookers would believe such a thing. With his own personal issues come to the surface when his success seems to be growing greater and greater, to Morgan, success isn't what it all cracks up to be.

When these two cross paths, what will blossom from this unlikely, yet likely pair?

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