Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Here I am again. Sitting in the same spot watching her walk past me. I at least needed something to think about while I'll be in detention! Here she comes. She's walking with two other girls. A tanned girl with Afro hair and a pretty girl with long thick brown hair. Both of the girls were gorgeous but they were nothing compared to the girl standing between them. Every little thing she does I watch. I love everything about her. The way she brushes her hair out of her face. The way her eyes were staring intently into her friends, taking in every piece of information. The way her lips started to curve up when she was about to smile. The way she laughs and is so care free about it. The way she's staring at me right now.
'Sh-Sh-Shes S-t-t-aring a-at m-e' my mind was unable to form words. I was stuttering. For the first time ever her eyes were locked with mine. My throat hitched up and I couldn't breath. I felt myself starting to feel uneasy. My cheeks were probably red as a tomato. 'Perrie she's staring at you', I had to remind myself , this felt like a dream. I still wasn't believing it until she smiled. She was smiling at me. That beautiful smile was for me. ME! As she walked past me her eyes lost mine and she went back as normal. The bell rang and I knew I had to be at detention. I was just unable to move. My mind was so foggy and clouded over by what had just happened. Maybe she was looking outside. She couldn't have been though. I could see her staring right at me. My lips curved up as a smile formed along my face.
'Shit I'm going to be late for detention' I thought to myself. With that my body shot up and my feet were moving incredibly fast towards the door. My fingers were placed lightly on the door handle. It was cold. I took a deep breath before my hand pushed the handle down and the door swung open.

"Perrie you're late!" the teacher said looking straight at me.

"Uhhh yeah sorry Miss, I was caught up." I said back trying to sound convincing as possible.

"Take a seat at the back please Ms Edwards" she said pointing to an open seat. I have never sat at the back before, this was strange and I didn't like it. My gaze was on the floor because I didn't want to look at anyone. I reluctantly took my seat at the back and got out my book. I flipped to the back page where I had the picture of the mysterious girl. My hand drawing over the picture to try and make her even more perfect.

"Wow, that's such a good drawing. Let me see" someone said while taking the book. My hands reacted and tried to grab it but it was too late. My hands covered my face as my elbows rested on the desk.

"T-that's me!" the voice spoke again. NO IT COULDN'T BE! My head shot up and before my eyes was the mysterious girl. Her mouth was open slightly in shock and her eyes staring at the book.

"Perrie this is so good" she said handing it back to me. She knew my name. Well of course she did, the teacher said it. I couldn't speak to her. I wouldn't know what sound would come out of my mouth. She pointed to the book and I looked at where her finger had landed. She was pointing at the words I had written which was 'Mysterious Girl'.

"The names Jade. Jade Thirlwall" her smile appeared on her face. I couldn't believe what was happening. Her name ran through my mind. I knew it would be beautiful. Jade. I snapped out of my thought, now staring at her up close. Her eyes were the most amazing shade of brown I had ever seen. Her face was flawless. Everything I was staring at was pure beauty. She had a strong accent quite like mine. Every word that came out of her mouth was like she was singing to me. I heard her giggle.

"Wow" was what I said. Oops I just thought out loud. How embarrassing!!! I have to get out of here now! I stood up and placed my book under my arm. I walked up to the teacher.

"Uhm excuse me Miss. Can I please go see the nurse" I asked in a polite tone.

"Yes Perrie" she said with a wave of her hand.

"Thank you" I said heading out the door. I didn't dare turn around and face Jade. Well how could I after what I had just said. As I walked out of the door I slid down the closest wall. What the hell had just happened. She will never want to speak to me ever again! I actually don't even know why she did in the first place. I am a downright loser and no one likes me. I guess we will have to see what happens tomorrow.

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