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Ava pov:

Ok so you know the the sayin 'be carful of what you wish for' well lets just say that i should really be careful because you know when your in the most boring class of all and you either cant stay awake or you are praying that time would go faster.

That was exactly how i am right now and i wish time would oh i dont know....HURRY THE FUCK UP LUNCH IS RIGHT AFTER THIS COME ON!!!!!!
Ok so maybe yelling in my head was a bad idea because now i have a headache. Lucky me dontcha think. Cuz i sure as hell dont.

Finally class was over i thought it would never end but finally it did so now i have just but all if my thingd into my locker and i am basically running to the lunch room i had gotten all of my food and i was on my way to my table when someone came up behind me and pourd hot chocolate down my back. The fuck whoever just did that is so dead. I thought to myself i turned around and saw.... Yes ladies and gentalmen the one and only....the wicked bitch herself....the devils side chick......the hoe of the centeri.....the walking STD.....yep you got it folks ASHLEY.

Ok so seeing as the death glare im giving her right now is scaring her she just wont back down so i jumped at her and guess what she did....THE HOE RAN AWAY! Serves that dirty bitch right.

After lunch

Ok so i was walking down the hallway when i ran into a group of girls ive never seen in my life.
"Hi you avangalene right the girl who scared ashley." Said one girl who seemed like she was about to wet herself form excitement " yea thats me who are you guys" i asked kinda scared because they just started talking to me out of no where. " im Mia and this is amanda, carter, and destiny." "Well it was nice to meet you all...so what classes do you guys have right now." I said trying to atleast make one friend right now. " we all have the same class right now and if we dont want to be late than we better get to class right now. LETS GO!" Mia yelled

So we were un class when destiney spoke up. " theres a party tonight at chances house we should all go like together" that sounded like the most interesting thing i have heard all period. "The rest of us are in what about you ava?" The last time i went to a party it didnt turn out well but why not.

"I say we all meet at my place to get ready"
After school was over we went to my place/zacharys house when i knew non of the guys where here and we watched movies then we went to go get ready i took a nice hot shower scrubbed my hair till it was squeaky clean and the i got out. When i walked out the girls were already dressed so they made me put on my bra and panties then i sat down i the chair while they did my gair and makeup. Im not really used to being so dolled up like this but theres a first for eveyth- dont think about him ava!

Anywho after they were finishe they pushed the dress that i jad picked out into my hand. When i put it on the girls looked at me in pure awe. " what" i questioned and the only thing they did was point to the mirror. I walked to the mirror and i didnt know who it was at first but i assure you it was me.

I was wearing a light pink skirt that stopped midthigh, along with a black strapless tight top that has a sweetheart neckine and a pair of chuncky highheeled boots.
No when i say i look fucking hot i mean i look fuckin bom.
"Well if you girls are done checking me out can we go now" i saw then walk out with them righ behind me.....

Lets get this party started!

I am soooo sorry for the very very late update but i will be updating more comment in how the book is so far
Boo bye my lovely unicorns

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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