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Zachary pov

           I was sitting in my last class when i got a text from ashley aka the queen b

Hey sexy you wanna hang out later at my place 😉

Most definetly i would luv a good fuck see you at your place at 7;)

Hey im not just your fuck toy okay but anyway yea sure meet you at 7.

As soon as she sent me that text i tried KEY WORD TRIED to stay awake the rest of the class until the bell finally rang and to say that i nearly made a zachary sized whole in the wall from wanting to get out of this hell hole would ve an understatment.

I went to my locker with my friends when we just happend to notice to notice the girl from the lunch room at her locker witch might i say is a few away from mine.

" hey z there she is"said chris and james. Did i forget to mention that chris and james are twins. " no shit sherlock i think we can all see the girl standing literaly two lockers away from z's locker" said james angrily. While they were fighting i put on my signiture smirk and ran my hands through my jet black hair and walked up to her....

Lets add a new girl to my collection........maybe

Avangalene pov

I was at my locker getting my things when i felt someone tap my shoulder i turned around and saw the sexy unicorn stamding behind me

"H-hi" nice going ava nice.
"Hi whats ive heard that people call you the unicorn queen i just wanted to know if that was true?" Why in the mother fuckin unicorn in hell is thi boy asking me about my awsome ass name? " y-yes they call me that and i love the ne i have no idea where it came from but i love it and no one is going to take it away from me so dont think that you can just walk over here and tell me that im immature because quiet frankly i dont give a unicorns ass what you say. Even though you are fucking fine as fuck i mean if i could i would lick your abs all fucking day long but obviously i wouldnt do that and im going to stop talking now before i make a bigger fool of myself." After that i looked up at him to see him looking amused by what i sai- WAIT A UNICORN MINUTE!?!?!?!?! DID I JUST TELL HIM I WOULD LICK HIS ABS!!!!!!!?????

All i have to say left is my life is sooooooo O-V-E-R over.


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