Chapter 4

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It was almost deathly silent when he opened the front door of his apartment, the front room being pitch black and only a few murmurs reaching your ears from other rooms in the place. 

‘Be as quiet as you can until we get to my room.’ he breathes in your ear, making you shiver, but you nod at him, removing your shoes quietly, and covering your mouth to stop from laughing when he almost falls over in his haste to remove his. 

'Come on.’ he whispers, grinning when he sees you laughing silently, and beginning to pull you in the direction of a small corridor, turning to hold his finger against his lips to tell you to be especially quiet in this bit, and you nod, gesturing for him to keep going. 

'Namjoon-hyung is that you?’ comes a quiet voice- speaking korean- from behind a door, and before your heart can even begin to hammer in your chest at being caught, you’re flung into a room and the door shut behind you, the voices continuing on the other side. 

When you’ve righted yourself, you listen to the conversation as you look around the room, thankfully not having fallen when you got shoved into the room, and therefore still being on your feet as you began to snoop. 

 'Where have you been? I thought you said you’d help me with my english tonight?’ comes the voice again, this time even quieter where it had to travel through a door to get to your ears. You smile at the obvious youthful tone to the voice as your eyes scan the desk in the corner of the room, seeing multiple pieces of paper scattered about with what looked like different verses of song or rap on them. 

'Sorry, Jimin, I had something to do- rain check?’ Namjoon replies, his deep voice affecting you even with a door in between and you stop looking around the room in favour of getting comfortable on the bed, arranging the sheets into some semblance of normality before removing your coat and sitting in the middle as you continue to listen to the conversation. 

'Oh, okay, thats cool…what did you have to do?’ asks Jimin, the tone to his voice telling you he had become curious as to why Namjoon had been out so late, and from the sound of things was acting slightly strange. 

'Uh, it was nothing- look i’m really tired, I’m just gonna go to bed.’ Namjoon responds, and you smother your chuckle in your hands, sliding down to lie on your front, crossing your legs behind you and resting your chin on your hands as you wait for him to come in, hearing the door handle creek as it was turned. 

'Okay, hyung- but are you sure you’re okay? You’re acting a little-' 

'Jimin, I’m fine. Now go to bed!’ he orders, making you bite your lip at his dominance as he opens the door a little, and you can see him watching Jimin walk back into his room before he turns to look at you, his eyes widening slightly when he sees you laid on the bed, making him quickly slip into the room and shut the door behind him. 

'Fuck, you look good laid there.’ he murmurs, eyes burning into you as he slides his coat off, chucking it into a corner of the room before stalking towards you. 

'You’re a very cute 'hyung’.’ you giggle, rolling onto your back as he comes nearer, instantly jumping onto the bed and kneeling over you, a smirk on his face as he straddles your hips. 

'I dont think 'cute’ is the way you’re going to describe me when i’m finished with you.’ he says quietly, smirking at you when you bite your lip at his crude words, heart thundering in your chest as you reach your hands up to bring his face down to yours. 

'Is that a threat or a promise?’ you whisper, brushing your lips over his teasingly and smirking when he groans quietly. 

'Oh Baby, that is definitely a promise.' 

You shiver as he crashes his mouth to yours, hands immediately trailing down your body, groping greedily at your chest, and he moans into your mouth as you arch your back into him, wriggling your legs out from under him and wrapping them around his waist. 

'Mmmmh, make sure you keep quiet 'hyung’.’ you whisper, the sentence making him groan and chuckle as he pulls his mouth away from you. 

'Have you actually ever taken Korean classes?’ he asks, looking at you bemusedly. 

'Yes, why do you ask?’ you say, grinning as you pull on his neck trying to get him to kiss you again. 

'Because you’d know that only younger guys call me hyung.’ he explains, laughing quietly when a blush works its way up your cheeks. 

'The word you’re supposed to use- presuming you’re younger than me?' 

'I’m 20.' 

'Then you’re supposed to call me Oppa.’ he says, grinning as he leans forward to reconnect your lips, and you sigh happily as he does so, mulling the word over in your mind as his hands trail to the bottom of your white t-shirt, beginning to push it up your chest so that he could take it off of you. 

'Oppa.’ you breath, testing out the word as he pulls away to remove your shirt and gasping when he suddenly attaches his lips to the skin of your stomach, groaning against it when he hears you say the word. 

'Fuck, thats sexy.’ he murmurs, looking up at you and you grin at him feeling your belly quake as he continues to kiss it, his hands travelling back to your breasts and continuing to massage them over your bra. 

'Oppa.’ you repeat, giggling when he groans again, and gasping when he moves his mouth back to yours, your hands greedily pulling on his shirt, suddenly needing things to speed up. 

'Shit.’ he breathes, sitting up and pulling his shirt over his head, gasping when your hands move to his chest suddenly, nails raking hungrily over his skin. 

'I need you, baby.’ he growls, the words sounding cheesy coming from him, making you grin as his hands begin to unfasten your trousers, fingers pinching at your skin as he pulls them down, a loud groan escaping him as he looks you over. 

'Fuck, you look good.’ he mutters, pressing hard kisses to your lips, before quickly trailing them down your body, leaving a path of goosebumps in their place. Your hands are restless as they claw at his shoulders, slowly falling to the bed as his mouth comes to a stop at the very bottom of your stomach, lingering teasingly along your pantie line. 

'I was going to make this quick…but I want to have some fun…’ he whispers, breath ghosting teasingly over your skin. 

'Please, oppa.’ you breathe, biting your lip to provoke him, and from the glint in his eyes as he looks up at you, you know this is going to be a night to remember.

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