Kahn's side story

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In one of major rooms inside the Biblock city, the Warlords had come to the mighty, knowledgeable city to have their gladiator battle. The room was well lit, a large decorative rug laid on the floor with a table and bookshelves against the wall. The lords and ladies sat in their chairs in the center of the room.

The scholar and Barbarian were at it again with their fights.

"You barbarians would not know your tongue from you dick" Kahn mocked the King of Barbarians.

"Says the man who has no dick to come on" Gadar breed the words like daggers.

Kahn scoffed at the man. It was perverts like him to think a man's parts were the meaning of life.

The group grew amused as Mynna looked at the two thieves "I'm more curious as to why you two, who fuck much more than he, have no offspring of your own" Giving them an all knowing look "I don't think you would kill them"

Tresa looked at her husband amused. It was true. Kasif and Tresa had many different kinds of lovers that bothered neither of the couple. It was odd if you were in a normal relationship. "Should I tell them or..."

Gettting up from his chair, Kasif went to get more wine for his cup. "Tresa and I can't have children"

"Because...." Kahn believed there was more to the story than that.

"Ever heard of Leng i cmendur" Kasif poured the red liquid slowly into his cup as he the whispers "It is a plant that can make a man stand up against any poison"

"With the cost of losing their sanity" Kahn clarified.

"Well you don't think Tresa and I were born like this" Kasif looked at the group with a mocked, raised eye-brow. "When you live in a world where everyone wants you dead for a throne, there's a price for living this way"

The group looked at Tresa, who just smiled and drunk her cup.

Kahn was very surprised that these two would go so far. Kahn and his people really didn't have a choice with their lives. A life where people believe that the gods are dead...


Kahn had a good life by the age of thirteen. In the beginning he was a religious man, old enough to be a monk and be an apart of the Christian Scholars. They held the biggest library and focused on teaching the mass. He wanted to be part of that society since he first heard stories when he was little.

This year he was able to head off with the rest of the men and boy to the glories place. He was packed up and ready to leave for his journey. He sat next to Father Brian in front of the carriage that was full of supplies. Father Brian would sometimes be nice and allow Kahn to drive the carriage every one in a while.

They were coming up to a hill when all of the sudden, their wheel got stuck. It wasn't a small pot hole. No, it was very large like someone had deliberately put it there. The monks tried to get the wheel out but it was stuck.

That's when it happened. They were attacked from both sides. Men of bandit garment held their weapons as they pointed them at the group.

Father Brian stood up from the carriage and tried to reason with the bandits. "We have nothing to offer you. We are just monks and apprentices on our way to the Monastery."

The bandit held his weapon at Father Brian. He then put the down a little bit before and gave the good father a punch in the face. The Father fell to the floor in shock and pain. That's when a bunch of men grabbed him and tied him up.

"Get the rest"

Kahn tried to pull away from the bandit. Like the others, he soon faced the same fate as Father Brian. They were tied up in a long role next to each other before forced to march off in a different direction.

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