Chapter 10

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Arizona Robbins sits at apartment 26's worn down and beat up breakfast bar. It's nothing fancy, a lot like you would find in a college dorm. In fact, that's what this apartment complex was until the local university deemed them too old. The numerous stains on the two bar stools are like a road map of the apartments history. Each college inhabitant contributing just a little bit of themselves to the rattiness of the furniture. Initials are tattooed and carved into the cheap covering of the breakfast bar, door jams, and wall plaster. The original color of the thin carpet lost years and years ago, and there is no counting how many drunken nights their dorm style bed frames have seen.

But that is not what newest player of Team USA is staring at. The pitcher has brought out her laptop because the wireless signal in her room was complete crap, and it's only faintly better in the common area. And the web page staring back at the blonde hasn't changed in months. But still... she can't look away. It's like a car wreck. Scary and horrible, brings tears to your eyes. And it sucks you in, slowing everything around you and making you wonder what the hell is wrong with this world.

"What the hell are you doing up already?" The groggy voice of her roommate makes Arizona jump, and instinctively slam the screen of her computer down. Blue eyes find Teddy Altman, hair in disarray and her lounge pants halfway down her ass from the tossing and turning in her twin bed.

"We have practice in an hour." Arizona states, not really answering the question but giving some form of explanation.

"Which means we get to sleep for another 45 minutes." Teddy growls. Without a second glance, the first base man stumbles into the bathroom and shuts the door behind her. Half a minute later, Arizona hears the toilet flush, then witnesses Teddy literally sleepwalk back to her bed, not even bothering to shutt her bedroom door before collapsing back in the sheets.

A panting and sweating Callie Torres pulls her ear buds out of her ears as she strides through the unlocked front door of apartment 16. Another good run has given her plenty of time to think, but the Latina couldn't because she couldn't figure out what the hell is going on. She's thought about the issue so much that she can't think about it anymore. It's like saying the same word over and over and over. Eventually it loses all meaning. Arizona's shortness with her yesterday in the training room has stuck with her and has gotten under her skin. A night of tossing and turning provided little relief, so when brown eyes were still wide awake before her morning alarm went off, the only thing she could do was throw on her running clothes and hit the pavement.

As she opens the door, Callie nearly runs into a half dressed Derek Shepard. The man barely has his jeans slung over his ass while grasping a rumpled, and probably buttonless, shirt in his hands.

"Woah!" Callie yelps, taking a quick side step and avoiding a face full of Shepard sex hair. Not that she needed another reason, but on top of the weirdness with Robbins, her roommate was engaged in a heated round of post break up sex with her soon to be ex-husband, a contributing cause in the Latina's sleepless night.

"Sorry Torres." Derek murmurs, then runs a hand through wavy hair which only makes it more untamed. "I'll see you at practice." He says quickly before slipping out the door.

"Right..." The Latina whispers, and locks the door behind him. One of the rules on Team USA is no romances. None. No coach-player. Coach-coach. Trainer-player. Or player-player. But the team plays it loose. As long as it doesn't cause drama, it's don't ask don't tell. And Callie doesn't really care about it, she's not a huge stickler for rules. But this little thing going on between Addison and Derek could really blow up, and end up taking the rest of the team with them.

The catcher just lets out a strangled breath, then heads towards her closed bedroom. She is just slipping around the corner when the resident redhead steps out of the bathroom, tiptoeing in efforts to stay quiet and not wake the woman she thinks is still behind the closed door. But Addison stops in her tracks when she finds Callie very much awake, standing right in front of her, and not sleeping soundly in bed.

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