7: Planning

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*2 days later*

Since that incident, with Nick, our family has been a bit on edge to say the least. Mom had found out what happened and had called us while we were getting ready to go shop for the twins' birthday presents.

She was quite pissed, especially because I had threatened to shoot Nick in front of the kids. I told her it was a fake gun, but she weren't buying it...

Anyway, after the call, Mariah and I got going. To keep the paps from bothering us, we had scheduled a few shops to close so we could have a look in them without the hassle. We looked in all sorts of shops, as well as stopping by a card store to get birthday cards. We probably spent at least a thousand dollars, but we didn't care.

Neither Mariah and I could wait for the twins' birthday and, so, we wanted them to have the best day possible. Mariah was also thinking that Nick should come celebrate with us, despite what happened the other day. I had to agree, since he was still their father, and we both knew that Roc and Roe loved Nick just as much as they loved me and Mariah.

We browsed through 'Toys R Us'.

"Hey, B, why don't you look in the boys section for Roc and I will look in the girls section for Roe?" Mariah suggested.

"Yes!" I punched my fist in the air.

I rushed over to the boys toy section. As a child, I was never really interested in typical girls' toys. I loved playing with toy cars, diggers and GI Joe dolls. Mariah and I were and still are polar opposites when it comes to our interests - but we always played doll-house together with our barbies, ken and GI Joe dolls.

Going to the toy store was one of the best parts of our childhood. Since, when Mom and Dad got divorced, Me and Mariah always cherished those moments when Mom could afford to buy us toys for our birthdays. And, now we have our own money to buy ourselves and our babies as many toys we want, I always get so excited when we go shopping at the toy store.

For a while, I grabbed several action-figures and began playing with them, right in the middle of the aisle. I guessed Mariah was doing the same with the brand new Barbie, Disney Princess and Bratz dolls.

After three hours, we left, having purchased three things for each of the twins: Mariah got Roe a Princess Anna doll (to go with her Elsa doll), a kid's makeup kit (since she loves giving us makeovers) and a new bike, with some stabilisers. For Roc, I bought him a Star Wars action-figure, a matching Starship and I bought him a bike as well.

We also made a call to some clothing companies like Ralph Lauren Kids, requesting for them to make two new outfits for each of them: a casual, everyday outfit, and something formal for when we were going to meet Nick for their birthday dinner. We also decided to buy them watches, since they were getting so good at their Maths and we wanted them to start learning how to tell the time.

When we got back, I wanted so much to just have demkids here to open their presents right now, but I knew they couldn't just yet and Mariah would tell me off for ruining the surprise.

I know how much she doesn't like surprises either.

After taking half-an-hour to rest, I told Mariah to relax while I made some calls in search of getting extra security on the special day. I wanted my niece and nephew to have the most normal childhood possible and we didn't want the paps barging in and bothering us all. Especially Mr Moroccan; he hates when the paps take pictures of his Mom so much.

Plus, I would going out in public with Mariah herself. And there is no way I am gon' risk ourselves getting exposed on the big day!

And, yes, I know we've been keeping this under the radar for 15 years, but that's with good reason. As well as that, we've got two young kids to protect and look after, as well as Mariah and Nick's divorce to deal with. There's just so much going on, and we don't need the press getting to us.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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