Chapter 2

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Second chapter of Daddies little girl, like ? don't like so far? Vote ? Comment?

Thalia's p.o.v

Yawning I stretch my arms out only to have them stoped by bars?? Opening my eye I look around and notice I'm in a cage? No.... a crib? "What?" I whisper to myself as I sit up and look around out of the bars.

Oh my gosh, I'm in room?! My bottom lip trembles and I back into the corner of the crib, bring my knees to my chest and sobbing into them. Noticing the softer fabric I look down to see that I'm no longer wearing my pyjamas but instead I'm wearing a what I think to be e ore onsie.

As I sob harder I barely notice the presence entering the room but as the bars of the crib are pushed down my eyes snap up to see a very beautiful man with long curly hair and green eyes

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As I sob harder I barely notice the presence entering the room but as the bars of the crib are pushed down my eyes snap up to see a very beautiful man with long curly hair and green eyes..... no! Stop that right now Thalia, he kidnapped you.

"Hey baby girl " I smiles as he reaches over for me. Screaming I kick my legs out at him and push myself as far back as I can. Sighing the stranger crouches in front of the crib and looks at me sadly. "Babygirl calm down"

"N-no!" I cry shaking my head "let m-me go!"
He shakes his head with another sigh and takes hold of me and with my screaming and thrashing he still manages to place me on his hip. "Shhhh daddy's got you" He whispers in my ear as he starts to rock me. "Your not my dad!" I sob as I push my hands against his chest in a desperate way to get away from this creep.

None of my struggles are effective yet I still thrash, push and kick desperately screaming, my body becoming weaker and weaker as sob rack my body and I don't have a choice but to lay my head down on his shoulder and cry, his large warm hand rubbing up and down my back is actually kind of soothing.... what are you saying T?! Are you going mad!

He starts to walk with my out of the baby room and down the stairs where I can hear a television playing quietly and multiple voices in conversation. I whimper loudly and weakly push at him, more tears rolling down my cheeks as we reach the end on the stairs and pass what I can only guess is the front door. "L-let me g-go" I cry

"Daddy's got you, shhh" I coos and kisses my forehead, "your not my dad! You creep" I sneer at him, but he ignores me and carries on walking toward another room, as we walk in I quickly look around and see two dark grey sofas around a glass coffee table and a large to screen, and what looks like a play pen in the corner of the room. I gulp as I then notice the other people in the room, all their eyes on my own.

The curly, green eyed guy sits down on the sofa with my in his lap and I look at the others, to our left on the end of the sofa is a scary looking man with short brown hair and a large build, the next is on the end of the other sofa and has blonde hair with brown roots, blue eyes and a large smile, and the last on whom is next to the blonde also has brown hair but longer than the scary man and shorter than the curly one.

"Done staring babygirl?" The deep raspy voice mourners in my ear as I whip my head round to face the curly haired guy again. "I-I Umm. W-when can I go home?" I whimper under their gaze. They all look at me sadly and shake their heads, the scary looking one pipes up "your ours babygirl, our perfect little girl" he smiles.

Shaking my head I start to cry again, "I'm not yours! I want to go h-home!" I scream, a sharp smack to my bum makes me cry out and dig my head into the curl mans neck....that really hurt!
"Sweetheart you do not scream at your daddies" his hard voice warns, I would fight back but at the moment I have zero amount of energy so I just allow my body to lay against his.

"Okay let's get introduced! My name is Harry" the curly man told me as I looked up at him, "the man next you you-" Harry points to the scary looking man "he's called Liam, the blonde on over there" I turn my head to look at the other two "that's Niall and the one next to him is Louis, but you are to call us Daddy okay?" He asks but it isn't a question at all, the authority in his voice telling me otherwise.

"I-i want to go home" I cry , and he instantly starts to rub my back again rocking me back and forth, "will you make her a bottle?" Harry whispers to one of them as I cry into his shoulder. Niall comes to sit on the other side of us and smiles at me "I'm gonna telly oh the rules okay?" He says with a deep Irish accent, I nod slightly and turn to look at him...

"Okay so we are daddy doms, that means that we will look after you and care for you as if you are our little girl, and you.. you will act like a younger girl, and eventually slip into a headspace of the age of about 3-5 years old.." he quickly says to simplify it, my eyes tear up even more and I shake my head and the creepy men "n-no" .....

Louis I think? Walks back in and picks my limp body into his arms before sitting down on the sofa and moving me into a position like cradling a baby. He smiles softly down at my teary face as he nudges my lips with a feeding bottle "n-no! I'm not drinking that!" I cry pushing against his arm "shhh, this will make you feel better baby just try it" I shake my head and start to wriggle in his arms , "I don't like milk!"

He sighs "baby this is nice sweet milk, and we know your thirsty, you've been asleep for a while, just drink a little" he pushes on and eventually slips the nipple of the bottle into my mouth and I cautiously start to suck on it, the sweet milk tickling my taste buds and making me close my eyes.

I carry on suckling on the bottle, my eyes becoming tired and droopy, they must have drugged it......fuck! I slowly stop drinking and start to fall asleep against the man, Louis, arms. The last thing I hear before slipping off into the dreamworld was "goodnight princess"

Like? Comment? I'm not sure how this is going so far, this is my first fanfic but it is only the second chapter. Well I hope you like and enjoy reading it!
                                        - llama_ddrama

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