Beat Up and Flashback

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Kat's POV in the school hallway:

I was crying in the hallway from pain, anger and being embarrassed in front of everyone. Why, if you are wondering, Aaron Jackson, the football captain of my schools team, pushed down in the hallway saying, "Your a good for nothing orphan who nobody should care about." Very loudly if I must say so everybody could hear. And started to punch and kick me I tried not to cry, but he made me feel like I actually am a good for nothing girl, the thing is, I always feel that way though so I cried and cried.


"Ms Dawson, why are u all beat up looking?" Mrs Morgan my English teacher asked. "Aaron Jackson beat me up." I murmerd tears still in my eyes from the bruises. "Why don't you go to the nurse. And, Aaron is getting suspended for beating people up along with teasing you and others." Mrs Morgan said. "Oh...Okay." I said.

She was like a mom to me after my Mom and Dad died in a car accident.
It's still clear in my mind.


My family was driving home after going to visit my grandparents at thier house in France my older brother, Peter, was in the car next to me. We were going through a green light. But, a man texting on his phone while driving didn't realize until it was to late. He hit us. The windows broke and we got tipped over. We where rushed to the hospital. My parents got the full brunt of it. They both didn't make it. But Peter and I did. A few years later, when he turned 18, he left me, the only things he left where a note and a locket with a picture of our family

End of flashback:

So I was alone and still am living at an orphanage.

I didn't realize I was at the nurses office until Ms Hudson opened the door. "Oh you poor honey." She said fussing over me tending to my cuts and bruises. "I'm okay. It doesn't hurt anymore." I said. "Katherine, go home because I believe you might have a concussion." Okay. Can my friend Layla drive me home because I am kinda dizzy?" I asked. "Of course dear." Ms Hudson said.

"What the heck happened to you!?" Layla, Mrs Kane's 19 year old daughter (she is the daughter of the leader at the orphanage) asked shocked.  "Ask Aaron Jackson." I said. "I'm gonna beat him up so much his future children can feel the pain he felt!" She shouted angrily. I laughed the first time that day even though it kinda hurt. "I love ya sister." I said to her. "I love you to. After all, your like my sister." I smiled.

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