The Kiss

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We ran to Felix's tent laughing just like we used to, him holding my hand and I running after him as fast as my short legs would carry me.

"Felix, slow down a bit won't you." I say laughing.

"Fine." Felix reluctantly agreed slowing down but a smile still on his face. Then, he turned around and took my hand and spun me to face him and he said, "I want to tell you something but, I'll show it to you instead." Then he leaned down and kissed me softly. It took me a moment to realize what was happening. He slowly started to pull away, but I grabbed his shirt and kissed him back deepening the kiss.

The kiss then turned into a full out make out session. We heard talking coming closer, it was Devin and Peter talking about us.

We didn't stop making out until, "What the BLOODY HEll is going on  here!" Peter yelled shocked.

We broke apart and I glared at Peter.

"Peter, will you kindly leave us, as you can tell, Felix and I are busy."

"Okay, get back to whatever you where doing." Peter said taking off Devin hot on his heels.

"Now, where where we." Felix said.

"Doing this." I said grabbing his shirt pulling him close to me as he pushed me into a tree lightly and we continued making out.  

  Its Now Or Never: OUAT FelixOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant