Chapter Twenty-two

Start from the beginning

 As I reached my destination, I sought to conceal myself behind the plant, effectively shielding myself from any unwanted attention. Unfortunately, I had not noticed that Sutherland left the group of Americans to follow me. "Are you lurking about to avoid my mother or me?"

 I jumped at the question, emitting a small gasp as he approached me from behind. "Neither, my lord. I merely wanted to quietly collect my thoughts." I turned to look at him coolly, in my best attempt to appear unfazed by his close proximity. He looked over me to gaze upon the party, absent-mindedly clasping his hands behind his back.

 "If making a match is on your mind, I am sure my mother would arrange for your introduction to some American businessman," he told me, not bothering to look at me whilst he spoke.

 "It is not," I scoffed. I opened my mouth to say more, but paused as an idea came to me. "Though, I must say that being around these American businessmen, as you call them, has made me remember some things."

 It was his turn to look bewildered. "Pray, what is your meaning?"

 "I believe I remember how I came to be a stable boy." I paused, watching him bestow me with his full attention. "I believe I traveled here to attend a cousin's wedding, and while finding my way around the docks I was robbed by some lowly sailor. I could not locate my cousin's whereabouts and thus had to find a way to obtain money to pay my passage back."

 Sutherland pinned me with a questioning stare, as if he was wondering if I could concoct such a fantastical story. I stared back at him, daring him to doubt me, meanwhile hoping he did not. "If you would be so kind, my lord, I would like to go back. If you could give me enough for passage, I promise to repay you." He was the first to look away.

 He remained silent, his gaze unwavering, as I shifted on my feet, feeling the full weight of his scrutiny. The prolonged interminable quiet led me to believe that he had nothing to say to me. Breathing a heavy sigh, I turned to walk away from him, only to see my grandmother's impassioned glare.

 I froze mid-step, inwardly cringing at the thought of the scene that would soon ensue.

 "My gratitude for returning my granddaughter to me, Lord Sutherland," she said with an eerily calm voice. "Your mother tells me that you have been hiding her away in your home for quite some time now."

 Sutherland bowed silently while glaring at me with a side-glance. "My lady—," he began.

 "I do not want to hear your reasons. You will receive the reward from my steward once the two of you are wed," she interrupted, with an air of authority, which one would not dare to broach.

 By this time, all of the dancing couples had ceased their steps, and those in conversation silenced their words, all staring at the scene before them. This would surely be the topic of the gossipmongers for days to come, likely the most important on dit of the Season. I glanced frantically between my grandmother and Sutherland, waiting for him to refute the forced marriage as he did before.

 When he did not, I took it upon myself to defy my grandmother's wishes. "Grandmama, I could not possibly marry Lord Sutherland. Not only did he follow proper decorum by having Lady Allenwyk chaperone, but he is betrothed to another," I attempted to explain calmly. I looked to Sutherland pleadingly, willing him to voice his reassurances to my grandmother, knowing that he was not one to be forced into marriage, no matter the situation.

 She waved her hand in dismissal, "Posh, we will discuss the details and the date at a later time." She paused as she turned away, "Sutherland, just because I have allowed this engagement does not give you leave to behave improperly. Do not forget yourself." Sutherland said nothing as she made her way across the floor, exiting the ballroom, presumably to retire to her chambers.

 Blood pounded in my ears as I struggled to contain my frustration. Why did he not say anything? Why did he agree to this farcical engagement? How could he have changed so drastically from the lord I knew years ago? Lost in my own thoughts, I belatedly noticed Abigail storming off, leaving in her wake hushed tones resembling the spread of gossip. It then dawned upon me as to why he would agree to such an arrangement.

 The promised reward that Reggie spoke of at the dinner party.

 Was he in need of funds so desperately that he would marry someone he previously rejected?

 I pulled myself from my thoughts to ask him that exact question. Why else would he be so willing to proceed? However, as I regained a sense of my surroundings, I realized that not only had the room returned to its raucous of gaiety and music, but Sutherland had walked away and was nowhere to be seen from my vantage point. It appeared that I was no longer the center point of the night's entertainment. I heard none-too disguised whispers of Abigail's outburst and the way she stormed off in a huff as I proceeded to make my way through the masses. Though I despised gossip, hearing it about her did not make me feel badly.

 As I reached the doors, I took one last glance about the room, searching for a sight of Sutherland yet did not see any sign of him. Concluding that he had already withdrawn from the ball, I followed suit, hoping that on the morrow I would have the opportunity to persuade him to cry off from this engagement that neither of us wanted.      

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