First Day in the Future

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"Yes." Nyra said, wondering where he was going with this.

"Besides hell, I have some knowledge of heaven. Even though I'll never be permitted to such a place, I have heard heaven's choir. On my word as a Phantomhive butler, what I say is the truth." Sebastian said before pressing another kiss to the witch's hand. "You're voice puts the songs of the angels to shame."

Nyra's green eyes went wide. For Sebastian to give her such a high compliment, and she knew it was true because he didn't swear on the Phantomhive name lightly. To have her voice compared to the divine heavenly choir as superior...

"There, see? You're blushing so I know you're flattered." Sebastian said with his signature grin.

Nyra's eyes widened further when she finally felt the heat in her cheeks. Of course, when she noticed it, it immediately got worse. She blushed harder and turned away, taking her hand back. Sebastian chuckled.

"Come now little siren, won't you sing for me now?" Sebastian smirked, leaning down and resting his chin on her shoulder.

Nyra blushed even harder, though Sebastian could tell she was fighting a smile. "Not here!"

"I didn't know you to have stage fright." Sebastian said, teasing.

"I don't!" Nyra said. Her face must have resembled a tomato. Sebastian speaking directly into her ear certainly didn't help. "You're just embarrassing me, feather brain!"

"I only speak the truth my dear, you know that." Sebastian said.

Nyra was too embarrassed to bring up the old contract argument. She suspected he was using the little pet names to fluster her even more. She hated the fact that it was working. Her heart was starting to beat faster and she knew the demon could hear it.

"Just shut up." Nyra grumbled, a small smile having appeared on her face as she elbowed the butler in the stomach before walking off to join Ciel. She allowed a full out grin to appear on her face for a few seconds before schooling her features to a more calm expression. She had to really restrain herself from giggling like a little school girl.

After the museum, Ciel was plenty hungry. The restaurant Nyra drove them to was very classy, fancy and authentic. When the waiter saw who she was, a famous singer, he immediately got them a table. The promise of an autograph didn't hurt either. Nyra translated the menu for Ciel. While they waited for food and even while they ate she described everything they could do. Sebastian of course had nothing but it wasn't made awkward by such a fact.

"Museums, markets, watching street performers, ruins," Nyra then smiled in a teasing way towards Ciel. "We can also take some time to avoid all human contact."

"Good." Ciel said firmly before taking a bite of his black Iberian pork.

"You know Ciel." Nyra said. "Since you plan on expanding into the food industry with curry, having authenticity like this place is a great idea. Like going to have real curry from India without having to leave your neighborhood."

"That makes sense." Ciel said, examining his food. "Perhaps those two will be of some use to me after all."

Nyra chuckled before eating some of her own food. She was looking forward to spending some quality time with her boys. True, since Ciel was a grumpy old man of a child there was only so much she could drag him into doing but she could show him plenty from the comfort of the hotel. That didn't mean he was getting out of actually doing things though.

"So what is it you wanted to show us?" Ciel asked a couple of hours later. They were back in the suite and had a couple hours before dinner.

"Just sit down and watch." Nyra said, turning on the TV.

Ciel and Sebastian did as they were told. Nyra sat down in between them before pulling up Netflix. She picked a specific movie but before she played it, she decided to play the trailer. Ciel and Sebastian watched the screen. The pictures in front of them weren't of real people; they almost looked like clay dolls. A young woman sat in front of a vanity, her corsets being laced.

"What if Victor and I don' each other?"

"Ha! As if that has anything to do with marriage!"

The woman, most likely her mother spoke. Her chin was grotesquely long and her hair defied gravity. She was tall and skinny, her husband looking like a melon next to her.

They were due to be married, though they'd never before met.

His parents were thrilled. Her's were filled with regret.

Ciel and Sebastian had heard stories like this dozens of times over but they knew Nyra wouldn't have suggested it if it was just a stereotypical romance.

But in a moment of panic, Victor desperately fled,

And by a grave misunderstanding, married the corpse bride instead.

That instantly caught the demon and young earl's attention. They watched as a blue corpse of a woman clad in a tattered wedding dress climbed out of the ground.

"You may kiss the bride."

She was frightening, but beautiful and would never be false.

"Who is she?"

"I'm his wife."

All that she lacked was the beat of a pulse.

"Maggots. Hahahaha!"

This earned a chuckle from Sebastian and a small but amused smile from Ciel. Nyra wasn't really watching the trailer; she was watching their faces for a reaction.

From Tim Burton, creator of the Nightmare Before Christmas

"Why go up there when people are dying to get down here?"

Comes a tale of wit, charm and strife

"I'm not dead!"

About a timid young man


And the love of his life

"Sounds creepy!"

"Can a heart still break once it's stopped beating?"

"A tragic tale of romance...passion...-"

"I feel the same."

"And a murder most foul."

"He's married to a corpse!"

"What a cutie!"

"You should've seen him with fur."

Ciel chuckled and Sebastian rolled his eyes. Of course there would be a dog. But a dead dog wasn't too bad; in all honesty they were his favorite kind.

Tim Burton's Corpse Bride

"This is gonna be good."

Nyra turned to look at her boys. "So, do you guys want to watch it?"

My Governess a WitchHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin