Chapter 4

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Hey! Well i'm truly glad that you have came this far in my book. Please keep going and i promise that you will not be disappointed!!

I hope that you could tell others about my book and just let it spread out more and more. Yeah i know that it will take a while before i get noticed by a lot of people that could help me with my writing or just be my friend one here, but i just want to get out my thoughts even if i don't get all popular!!

===> Cutie at counter!!

But please enjoy!!  =D


Lily's P.O.V.

I really thought i was going to die due to having girls that were too close  and could be mistaken as sisters if you didn't see their faces. Also since Breann's little scene from yesterday at the graduation, i don't think that the other two were really happy that she still showed up.

When we got to the hotel that my parents had booked us for, i couldn't help but think back to where i have been all my life.


" Mom why can't we just go to like a motel 6 or something? I am really tired and just want a bed." I complained for almost an hour because we were driving around looking for a place to stay.

"Excuse me," she turned and looked at me with unbelief, " I will not sleep at some cheap place like that. You, as my daughter, will never sleep in a place like that. Those places are for hobos and less fortunate people." She turned around and looked at my dads face like she knew that he would do the same thing.

"Now sit tight my darling. I promise we will be there in 5 minutes." My dad was the sweeter one of them both, but those 5 minutes turned to another hour for driving.

End of Flashback~

To this day, my mom has kept her promise and never have i ever stepped into a motel 6 or even a Holiday Inn.

I stood there and just looked at the hotel that was picked for us. I already knew what to expect and to say truthfully, i wasn't looking forward to it. I was spoiled my whole life and just wanted for once, wanted to feel normal, what ever that might be. I wanted to stay at a motel and have the freedom of doing whatever i wanted without knowing that the bell hop guys are going to hit on me because of the money i have. Not only that, i don't want people to see me and think that i  am a snobby little brat and was given everything that i wanted. I just wanted what my friends had even if it meant i had to go down a level to now what they expect of things.

I was so lost in thought that i wouldn't have heard Yvette if she hadn't practically yelled in my face.

" Now you could marvel at the beauty of the hotel, but really want to see the inside if this is what the outside looks like." She turned to grab her stuff out of the trunk.

" You don't have to wait for me. You can go right on ahead. I think i just want to look at the structure a little longer." I smiled at the expression on her face. Maybe for her it was a chance of a life time, but for me it was never a chance. I already knew what to expect.

" Well i would want to leave you like you wished, but you have to remember that our room was reserved in YOUR name." She infesized the word your more then needed.

" I guess then. Come on." I was excited, but i just thought that my parents would slack off just a little bit, just so i can have fun for these few days.

As we walked in, i heard little gasps escape from all my friends. I turned to look at each of them like they were all crazy and should get a hold of themselves, but i was way to late for that. They were admiring everything that was just in the lobby. I couldn't help but chuckle because if they were acting like this just because the lobby, wait til they see the room.

I got to the counter and waited patiently for the person behind it could turn around and acknowledge me. But when he did, i was met by the most handsomest guy you would ever find possible.

" Hello and welcome. How may i help a fine lady like you on this beautiful day?"

Wow. Just what i had hoped wouldn't happen.

" Hi. I'm here to check in. The reservation is under Lopez." I looked at him with a steady eye. My friends were too caught up with what was around them that they didn't even notice the slight awkwardness that was there.

" Ah. Here it is. Um, may i ask you your name?"

I looked at him like really, but try to be nice when i said," And why would you need to know that?"

He glanced back at the computer and the replied, " Well your parents want to ensure that you are really the person i should be giving the key to." He nodded and smiled like i was some dumb girl that didn't know anything about being out in the real world.

" Oh well that makes since. My name is Lily Angeline Lopez." I acted like i was searching around my purse just so that it looked like i was  doing something.

" Well that is a beautiful name for a gorgeous girl. Thank you for your name. I just wanted to know it for future references." He smiled and handed me the key. He pulled back just a bit to where i looked into his eyes confused. He added, " If you need anything at all, just call the main desk and i will be right up. That's for anything you or your friends need."

He handed me the keys, but brushed my hands a bit. Wow, this guy was head over hills. He had the biggest ego anyone could have, but boy he was a seller.

" 'Kay girls, we can go if you want too. Or you can just look even more retarded and keep looking around the lobby. Totally up to you." I shrugged like there were really options.

" Come on, before i slap you, and boy we only got started on this trip." Stephanie started walking towards the elevator with her arms linked into mine.

 I could help but look back at the desk for the guy. He wasn't there. There was a funny feeling in my stomach like i wanted to see him again. The weird thing was that he knew my name but i didn't know his.

Breann P.O.V.

Ahhh. We made it. I loved the fact that my friend was a rich girl. Other then this hotel being amazing, there were just amazing boys all around that had money that can stretch out from here to china. The place was gorgeous. There were creme walls that had beautiful paintings all around. The center piece of their lobby was this pool looking that people have but it was marble.

I was admiring the structure of the place when something caught my eyes. Lily. She was checking in for us but at the same time she was flirting with the counter guy, not that i was a bad thing only that Justin and her had a thing going if you ask me and now she is all over this guy? What the F***. She always gets the good guys. The reason why i acted the way i did because i totally thought that Justin was falling for me and i she her and they were eating each others face. Yeah i should have known that this would've happened because they were always just that close but i couldn't just let her go because it just wasn't part of me. I was going to tear her apart piece by piece and it is going to happen because i ALWAYS get my way. She thinks that she is the spoil brat, well two can play at that game and both Justin and the cute guy at the counter WILL want to come to me. 

I turn to follow them into our rooms but just after i turn and blow a kiss to the guy in the counter.

Oh he was a hottie and that has my name on him.


So what do you think? Should i stop? Should i keep going? What. Any ideas out there to help me or no. By the way please REMEMBER to



& Fan

As always kissesNhugs4u!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2012 ⏰

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