Chapter 23: Unknown Grounds

Start from the beginning

"Of course. When you're ready why don't you send someone to let me know. So I can have everything ready for your arrival." Ciel offered.

Giotto smiled at Ciel, "We'll do that, thank you."

"Very well, then we'll take our leave now." Ciel said as he turned around and faced Sebastian briefly, "Let's go Sebastian."

Just as they turned to leave the tenth generation kept their eyes on Sebastian. There was something about him that just didn't feel right. It wasn't that they found him to be rude or annoying, it just didn't feel normal whenever he was near, something They didn't exactly know what was wrong, but that feeling they have is enough to let them know to never let their guard down around him, and Ciel.


After Ciel and Sebastian left everyone was a bit restless, especially the first generation. They felt a bit uncomfortable, but they couldn't and wouldn't show it in front of the kids. They didn't want to worry them in any way especially now that this moment should be one of joy since Tsuna had woken up.

But those two made the first generation a bit on edge just being near them. Even now their smiles seem a bit forced with just the thought of being anywhere near them. Unknown to them the tenth generation all felt the same way about Ciel and Sebastian.

~Time Skip (One Week Later)~

Lambo had practically completely recovered, he no longer had any trouble with his talking. The only thing wrong with him was that he had a bit of trouble in his walking. He wasn't hurt, but from what was done to him his nerves and muscles had practically gone berserk, but eventually over time he would be back to normal as long as he walks around, to get his body accustomed to movement.

Tsuna had made considerable progress in his recovery. He could move perfectly, though it had taken him a while and it was very hard since he had been in a bed without moving for a long time. And he was sore, his back was very sore, he had been laying in a bed without moving from the same position.

"Since Tsuna and of course Lambo are much better we can leave any time we want now, but....are you sure you want to go the Phantomhive manor?"

Giotto glanced at G from his seat in the waiting room and sighed, "....I'm sure. I don't want to keep them in the hospital any longer, it's time for a change of place. And of course I don't want to move Lambo and Tsuna more than necessary."

"And that kid's place is closer than ours too. As much as I don't like the idea of going there, you have a point." G sighed as he resisted the urge to reach into his pocket for a cigarette. And even if he wanted to smoke, he didn't have any since he had been trying to stop smoking for a while now.

Giotto nodded, "Now the only thing is who is to go to the Phantomhive manor and let them know that we'll be going there soon."

"Tch such a hassle. I'll go, I know you'll end up asking me to go anyways. Since we can't exactly have Daemon and Alaude go. Who knows what Daemon might do, and well Alaude he probably wouldn't go even if you told him to."

"Thank you, and I'm sorry." Giotto gave G a small smile.

"Sure whatever. Guess I'll be going now. And I'll be taking the carriage myself, just let Federico and the other two know that I'm taking the carriage." G said as he stood up from his seat and put one of his hands in his pocket and headed out.

"At least take one of those three with you. Federico, Alonso, and Armon are probably going to be a bit annoyed with you if you take the carriage on your own." Giotto said as he watched G who slighly turned around to look at him.

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