ending note.

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i met you one night at a party. i was dancing among the crowds when you approached me and started whispering in my ear. i remember this night so vividly, it was the first one of many.

we went from strangers at a party, to friends, to best friends, and then to lovers and i wish i could say that's where we stayed. i'd be lying, though. 

that's what our relationship was founded on, anyway; lies, i mean. you did lie to me the whole time we were dating or did you lie to her? who came first, babe? that doesn't matter anyway. 

"their love really did go down in flames," they say, "he did burn his house down,"

you should have listened to them. there was a reason for my ex-lovers, being, well, ex-lovers. 

because i had a blank space, baby, and i wrote your name. 

blank spaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora