Looking for Kyle

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All the cop cars where already in the road, returning to the delegacy. But this one was going to Frank's house. Charles was driving.
"Why do you say it was him?"- asked Charles
"Nobody knew where was he when Henry died"- answered Frank- "When we entered the cantina someone was playing the piano. That song... Kyle was always playing that song."
"But we still don't know if he got out home"- said Charles- "I still can't believe he would kill Henry. They were like best friends"
Frank started crying.
"C'mon friend"- said Charles- "It wasn't him. We will find the real bastard who killed my son."
They reached Frank's house about 5 minutes later. 5 minutes who were filled with pain. They entered the house.
"Oh, here you..."- said Frank's wife
"Where's Kyle?"- asked Frank
"I don't now. I thought he could be with you!"- answered Kyle's mother- "What's happening, Frank?"
"It's nothing Mary" (Frank's wife)- said Charles- "He should be at Jimmy's house. We've got to go"
"It's him, Charles. I'm sorry Charles. It's my fault. I educated him badly..."- said Frank
"It's not your fault Frank"- said Charles- "Now we just need to find your son and then this nightmare ends. But first, we need to get to the delegacy to get more cops."
When they entered in the police department, some cop said:
"Here you are!"
They were going to tell the other officers what was going on when a kid entered the delegacy.
"Hi dad"- said the kid, with a calm voice

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