Chapter 5

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Lindsey's Pov

An hour everyone had gathered for the meeting. I stood on the platform over looking the crowd trying to push the idea that I was the reason they were in danger out of my mind. I knew I wasn't to blame but I let my guard down and that was a mistake, now I was paying the price.

"I've called you all here because the beta of the Valley Moonstone pack has been spotted around the territory"  I heard gasps as people started to panic. There were shocked expressions on their faces and urgent whispers. As alpha I had to reassure them that I could protect them.

"Everyone calm down. I know this may be a little unnerving but everything will be fine. Nothing has happened yet and I assure you nothing will as long as I cam help it. I simply want you all to be on alert and trust no outsiders. I have no idea what they are planning and even though they haven't made a move yet doesn't mean that they won't. Now is not the time for slip ups or mistakes so I need you all to be careful. I value each and everyone of your lives and I don't want anyone taking any unnecessary risks that can cause you to loose them. Border patrols have already been increased and Falcon and I will have a plan in place in case of a sneak attack. Any information that anyone has would be highly appreciated other than that you all dismissed"

Everyone disbanded and I made my way into the pack house. I had school to tomorrow and I was drained from everything going on.

"Alpha Lindsey wait" I heard someone call. I turned around and saw Chasin running to catch up to me.

"Can we talk?" he asked. I didn't need to ask what about as I nodded and motioned for him to follow me. We went up to the office where I knew we wouldn't be disturbed.

"So he's up to something" he said once I closed the door.

"I'm not sure but it looks that way" I told him taking my seat behind the desk.

"Are you okay?" he asked full of concern.

"Yeah I'm fine"  From the expression on his face I knew he didn't believe me.

"You don't still feel guilty do you? You know none of this is your fault right?" His questions caught me off guard because he was dead on as usual. There was no point in lying to him when he picked up on the smallest emotions.

"I know. But I can't help it. How would feel if you were me?" I wanted him to understand where I was coming from. That I held the lives of many in the palm of my hand including his. They all depended on me.

"If I were you?" he said raising an eyebrow. I nodded for him to go on wanting to get his perspective.

"If I were you I'd be angry, pissed even, but not at myself. I'd want his head on a silver platter for what he did. Hell I want that now and he didn't do anything to me. My soul purpose would be to hunt him down and destroy him before he hurt anyone else, but that's me. You on the other hand, you're different. You've never been one for revenge and I wouldn't want that to change. You plan things and get the job done with the least amount of damage to others and I admire that. Its what makes you a good leader"

Something inside me swelled with pride but I assumed it was because he respected me as a leader.

"I guess so. But your way sounds so much more satisfying" I told him. We both burst out laughing and it was nice to take my mind of things.

"Anyway what brought you here. I know it wasn't to make me feel better" I asked once we calmed down.

"That was only the part of the reason. I was kind of hoping for a favor"

"What kind of favor?" I asked suspiciously.

"I thought over what you said about me being able to move up to the average class and I was hoping you could train me" he said giving me a determined look. I knew how much he wanted to be treated like everyone else and I was glad he took my advice. I knew he would work really hard to be put into the average class.

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