Chapter 2

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I woke up feeling excited. Today was the first day of school and my first day as standing alpha. Could life get any better?

I was up super early. I even made everyone breakfast which I hardly ever do since am just not the in the kitchen type although I can cook. I made, bacon, sausage, eggs, toast,  grits, waffles, pancakes, biscuits, coffee and pretty much anything else you could think of.

"Well someone is in a good mood it smells good in here"  my mom said coming in smiling.

"Yeah I'm just so excited. I could barely sleep" I told her happily.

"Well I hope it isn't because were leaving and you're glad to be rid of us" she said giving me a playful glare.

"Of course not. I didn't mean it that way you know I'm going to miss you guys"

"I know honey I'm just kidding. We're going to miss you too" she giving me a hug and kiss.

"You be a good girl and run this pack the way you were taught. I have complete faith in you baby girl. We're dropping your brother off and we'll call you as soon as we land" My Dad said placing a kiss on my forehead. I nodded to show I understood and they fixed some plates to go before leaving. Not long after they left everyone came down. Everyone grabbed what they wanted and Chasin and the other omegas started doing the dishes. I didn't think it was fair since it was a lot do and they had school like the rest of us so I persuaded a few of the other shewolves to help. Fortunately I didn't have to twist any arms and we all made it on time.

I parked my cherry red charger in my spot since I had a reserved one and went in to get my schedule. Kascy and I ended up with mostly the same schedule except for the last class of the day which was art for me and music for her. There was homeroom and then first period Trigonometry which I neither liked nor disliked. I wasn't a fan of math but I liked the teacher and it was easy. Second period was Biology followed by A.P Literature then lunch.

When the bell rang I headed to the cafeteria with Kascy and found London and Marcella, our other best friends, and just talked about random things.

Halfway through Chasin walked in, got his lunch and left. He hadn't eaten in the cafeteria since ninth grade and I knew why. The first day of high school someone tried to cut in front of him. He stood up for himself and unfortunately the guy was a jerk and punched him. Chasin hit him back and that only made it worse. By the time I got there he was rushed to the pack doctor. Since then he always walked in late after everyone got their lunch, grabbed his and left.

The bell rang and I went to my last class of the day which was art. I didn't have a full day since it was my last year and I only needed a few more classes. I was only taking art because I needed another elective.

I walked in and took a seat in the front. Mr. Chanclir walked in started talking about the importance of free expression and how art is used as an outlet. Right in the middle of his speech Chasin walked in. He kept his head down and made it to the back of the room as people stared. Mr. Chanclir looked like he wanted to scold him for being late but decided against. I was glad, poor guy needed a break.

The class period was mostly spent going over the syllabus, expectations, what we would be taught and things of that nature. I was too happy to hear the bell ring again so I could head home and get ready for training later that afternoon. Since I was the standing alpha I had to oversee the training rather than just participate. I normally would do training with the pack and training with my Dad but now instead of going to one session and a private session I would have to attend all of them and sometimes demonstrate techniques to ensure everyone was up to speed.

The other job I had was paperwork and letters to the alpha. I had to keep track of births and deaths to make sure they were up to date. I also had to answer letters from pack members addressing their concerns. Then there were the several bank statements that I had to look at. Even though we had an accountant it was the alphas duty to keep track of finances and make sure all the money was accounted for.

It was a lot of work but I was up for it. Most people didn't know that during alpha training you had to attend classes to make sure you could manage everything in addition to the physical training.

I hopped in my car and headed home. I went out to the backyard and made sure everything was set up the way it should be. I had some time to kill so I went over up to the office to get some work done.

Four thirty came quickly and I headed to my room to change because training started at five.

I ran down the stairs and our the back door where everyone was waiting. 

"Now that the alpha is here we can start. I want all of you to run laps around the territory. We're working on endurance today. The alpha, beta and I will be checking for improvements on time, whose the fastest, and who completes the most laps" Mark said. He was the Gamma and the head of training since he was the strongest next to the alpha and beta. Most of the time Falcoln didn't attend since he was usually busy but there hadn't been any recent threats. My Dad on the other hand liked to be informed and know how his pack was progressing and if there were any weaknesses so he always attended, I was following his example.

I grabbed my chart and started running, well jogging since I had to monitor and I couldn't full out run. It was still a good work out since this was only the first group and there were two more to go. I keep a steady pace and was glad to see quite a few of them had improved especially since this was the strongest group. But I was more eager to see how the last group would do since they were the weakest and mostly consisted of the omegas. Everyone knows your pack is only as strong as its weakest member so their session would say a lot.

After one more group, the average group, we finally were at the last one. Mark gave then the run down and I we were off. Since this was the smallest group it was easy to keep track of everyone. I checked the chart and noticed a few of them were progressing nicely and could probably move up soon. Chasin was apart of this group and he surprisingly he was ahead of the rest of them. He had the potential to keep up with the average class if he worked at.

When the session was over I decided to have a talk with him.

"Hey Chasin wait up"  I said running over to him. He was sweaty and shirtless and even though he was an omega I had to admit he had a nice body.

"Yeah"  he said out of breath from running.

"Sorry I mean yes alpha" he corrected.

"It's okay look I've noticed that you're not half bad in a lot areas and endurance is one of your strong points. I really think if you work on it you could move up and join the average class in a few months. If your interested I would be glad to help you train. Just think about it okay"

"Sure, and thanks I'll consider it" he said smiling before running off.

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