"Uh, I think Reuben's last name starts with a B, but I'm not entirely sure. He volunteers as a freshmen guide. I don't know where, either—"

"Ah, you must be referring to Reuben Baker, then," the lady says.


Baker. It rings a bell.

"He's not in at the moment but if you go the campus library, you might be able to find him there. He volunteers there mostly on Saturday mornings."

'If you guys need help with anything else, I'll be in the library.'

The library. Of course! I remember him saying that, too.

"Okay. I'll go check there."

"Is there anything else you need help with?"

"No, I think that's it. Thank you," I say, getting up from the chair.

"You're welcome. If you need help, come straight here. Either Ophelia or I will be here."

"Knock, knock," a voice says from behind us.

Whipping my head around, I see a tall, older guy leaning against the door frame, flashing a toothy grin at I presume the lady; he isn't looking in my direction. This must be Vincent. I arch an eyebrow as while staring at him. I can see why the lady doesn't want to go out with the guy. With the way his mustache looks beneath his nose, he sort of looks like Hitler, just not German.

I shake my head and pass by Vincent, not even daring to chance a glance at the two once I leave.

I walk back outside to go to the library. I'm hoping Reuben is there today. I need him to answer a few questions for me, see if he possibly knows anything about Erika.

Upon arriving at the campus library, I see a young man carrying a stack of papers, carefully balancing them in his hands. Then, an older guy steps out of the entrance and shouts something at him. With a nod, the young man turns back around and proceeds to walk away. It's Reuben. Gripping to the strap of my purse, I break into a run, making a beeline for him.

"Reuben!" I shout.

He stops dead in his tracks at the sound of my voice and slowly pivots. The way the sun's rays shine on his polo shirt is pretty cool. It's bright green but the light makes it appear neon. A big M.U. is patched on the upper left part of his shirt, with tiny words that say est. 1932 right below the two letters. I stop running once I reach him and bend over to catch my breath.

"Well, I didn't think I'd see you here again, Alexis. You must have a knack for bumping into people," Reuben says with a slight tone of amusement.

I chuckle. "Yeah, I guess I do."

"Where's your boyfriend? Couldn't come today?"

Wait, what? Boyfriend?

"Uh, no, he had to cover for someone. And he's not my boyfriend," I correct.

"Oh. He looked like he was, from the way you guys were, I don't know, together."

"It's not like that, we're just friends. Hey, are you busy?"

"A little bit. Why you ask?"

"There are a few things I need to ask you, if you don't mind."

Reuben shrugs. "Okay, sure. I'm actually going over to Professor Black's office. I gotta drop off these papers, so you can come with me and ask me whatever you like."

As he starts for Arlington Hall, I follow alongside him and keep up with his pace.

"What do people call you?" I ask.

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