Chapter 48: Hello

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"No you ding-a-lings, I mean I think it's time for you 4 to see the girls,"Lita informs which cause me to hit the brakes.

"You're crazy,"I told her before driving again.

"No I'm not. You guys helped me with my, my problem. Now it's my turn to pay you back,"Lita urge.

"You're crazy,"I spoke.

"No, I'm being realistic,"Lita huff.

***Perrie's POV***

As we went in the van I turned on my phone to see his face on my lock screen. I smiled as my index finger traced his face, all his little features. I miss him so much.

"You should talk to him,"Jade told me as she sat next to me while Jesy and Leigh-Anne sat across from me.


"You should talk to him. I mean Per, let's be honest. You've dated 2 other guys, great guys, but you broke up with them after dating them for a month. Why is that?"Leigh-Anne wonders."And I want the truth."

I sighed,"I mean the first guy he's too serious-"

"He goes to Stanford!"Jesy said loudly.

"Well he can never give me a good joke,"I muttered."The second guy, well, he didn't know what a good time is."

"He took you bungee jumping!"Jade shouted.

"Yeah but that was more scary than fun,"I scoffed before crossing my arms across my chest."Plus, they don't have brown eyes, that cute smile, a laugh that's contagious, or-I'm describing Madison aren't I?"

Jesy laughed,"yes. Admit it, you miss him."

"Ok, I admit, I miss Madison freakin' Alamia,"I loudly said before they started cheering.

"You stubborn little bitch, after 3 years and you finally admit your undenying love for Mr.Alamia,"Jade teased as she gave me a side hug.

"Yeah but what if he has a girlfriend? What if he moved on because I was being a stubborn, know-it-all, stupid bitch?"I asked."What if he's with Kylie still and Kylie actually has a heart not that plastic one."

"Ok you're stupid."Leigh-Anne literally slapped my arm."Now think straight. He loves you still. I mean what kind of guys try to stop you at the airport? He's a real-life knight in shining armor."

"More like doof in disguise,"Jade commented."You're not doing any better. Per, you've been single for almost a year! You have to go to him. He's the only one who can save you from yourself before you break completely. You have to go to him now before it's too late. We're in L.A! Lita told me they all bought a house together. One day, he'll find a girl amd he'll love her to death. She'll be the center of his world and the reason for his breath. They'll be together for years and he'll tell her all the things you ever needed to hear. But what really stings in that they'll get married and you'll cry alone because she took the only thing that you called home."

I looked at her before a coy smile spread across my face,"you saw that quote on a Instagram picture am I right?"

"You ruined the moment,"Jade complained."Anyway, we are actually not driving back to the hotel. We're driving to their house. And we'll push you out the van and make you knock on the door if it's the last thing I do."

"Shouldn't you be planning a wedding instead of worrying about me?"I joked at my blushing sister.

"No, I got proposed like 2 days ago, I should focus on telling Mum and Dad myself because you know they don't really use social media,"Jade waved it off."Oh, and we're here."

The New Girl | ToBeOne/2B1 [NOT EDITED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu