Chapter 26: Signs For When You're Pregnant

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***Perrie's POV***

Of course the field trip end and we had to meet the class at the entrance. What a bummer, I actually had a really fun time with Spencer though. For lunch we ate at the outside of the bear exhibit because there were benches there and we'd make funny faces at the bears which was hilarious.

"..alright go to the buses and sit next your partners and work on some of the assignment on there if you'd like, but I'd recommend it,"Miss Rubenstein said.

Spencer grinned at me,"guess we'll still be together."

"True,"I said."But you do realize that I also am now hanging with you guys at lunch right?''

"Huh, must've forgotten,"he shrugged.

Spencer and I sat on the seat in the back, across from Jade and Madison.

"Hey Per,"Jade chirped as she waved.

"Oh uh Spencer this is me sister Jade. Jade this is Spencer,"I introduced.

"Nice to meet you,"Spencer said as he shook my sister's hand.

"Same here,"Jade smiled.

I heard someone clear their voice.

"Oh uh, Spence next to her is Madison, my uh ex,"I said quietly.

"Nice to meet ya dude,"Spencer said.

"Same here,"Madison said."You two dating?"

I choked.

"Uh no, just friends,"Spencer said."We literally just met today."

"Funny,"Madison said.

He made me feel guilty. Sure before me and Madison dated we were friends, then I invited him to hang and then we kissed and started dating. Bet he thought that's what I'm doing with Spencer.

"Anyway, uh, let's work on our assignment,"I said softly.

"Sure,"Spencer said.

I blinked away the tears and wiped them on my sleeve, hopefully Spencer didn't see that.

"Hey, it's alright,"Spencer whispered,"forget about him. He's not worth it."

I smiled thankfully at him,"thanks."

"Hey, that's what I'm here for,"he reassured.

Why couldn't Madison be like that? Why did he had to make me cry unlike Spencer? Why does my heart ache?

***Gabby's POV***

"..alright, when is the year King Arthur died?"I asked Wesley.

"Uh the time of his death?"he joked.

I laughed,"no, but uh good try though Wes."

"I'm close though right?"

"Yeah..waaay close,"I said sarcastically.

Then the bell rung which meant lunch was over. We got out of our seats and got our items.

"So, see ya later?"he asked hopefully.

Shoot, that's right. We're only in one class together. Ugh that means I have to deal with Louis.

"Yeah, that'd be great,"I replied.

"Shit I'm gonna be late. Well I gotta go, see ya later Gab,"Wes said quickly before kissing me on the cheek and raced off leaving me shocked.

I heard a book connect with the floor.

"SHH!"the librarian said.

I saw Louis behind a book shelf, when he saw me notice him, he grabbed a book and pretended to be reading it.

"You were spying on me?"I hissed.

"N-No. I'm reading,"he stammered.

I raised an eyebrow,"one the book's upside down, and two you're reading a book called 'Signs If You're Pregnant'."

"I do not know what Madison ate,"he protested.

"You dumwit, Madison is on a field trip and he's a male,"I spat.

"Lower your voice,"the librarian scolded.

"Tell me why,"I murmured.

"I-I just don't think he's a good guy Gab,"Louis said.

"Good? Says the guy that cheated on me with the lowest girl on Earth,"I said.

"She wears heels."

"You know what I mean. Don't play stupid, oh wait you're aren't because you've been dating Maryse,"I sneered.

"Gabby calm down please-''

"Please? No you're saying please and you expect me to give you mercy? How 'bout me. Why didn't you give me mercy when I begged you to stay with me. Louis you were the best thing I've ever had, but you also were the worst. I never wanna see your face again!"I screamed.

"That's it, you two out!"the librarian said.

"Don't worry, I was leaving anyway,"I muttered as tears well down from my eyes which I immediately wiped away.

He ruined me. But he also gave me the sensation of feeling loved.

Sorry this is short but I wanna update before my internet jams again like it has been for a week! So if I don't update blame it on my wifi. Anyway I know that title has nothing to do with the story but I just wanted to catch your attention lol

Much Love Guys.



The New Girl | ToBeOne/2B1 [NOT EDITED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora