Chapter 46: The Last To Leave

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***Gabby's POV***

The Next Day 

I sat at the small lunch table in the yard, alone. I didn't want the others to worry about me. I looked at the text my mom sent me.

Mommy<3: Alright, whatever you want love. Are you sure you wanna do this? 

I stifled in another one of my yawns as I hurried to type in a quick yes and closed my phone. 

I was so tired. Honestly I can't sleep, at all. I actually have an insomnia right now. Yeah. Wonder why? Hmm, maybe the fact that I don't know, Perrie and Jade moved to London? Or how 'bout that Ang finally had enough with this Jason drama that she got an acception letter to a private school and accepted it and decided to go to a school in Beverly Hills? Or maybe that Savannah is suffering from torture and that Hollie completely destroyed her from the inside and outside? That even being with Wes doesn't make me feel good? Or maybe it's the fact that To Be One is begging for my forgiveness and help. Yeah who knows, there are many possibilities here.

"-Gabby!"I heard someone shout my name across the yard, causing eyes to focus on me.

I ignore the stares as I just pretended as if I didn't know that someone called me. Maybe the fact that it's most likely to be either someone who's last names are Alamia, Smith, Fusco, or DiPippa. Instead I decided to go on my phone and go on Instagram.

"Gabby!"the person says again and I looked up to see Jason, who seem to be breathing heavily.

"What do you want Jason?"I asked in a monotone voice.

He panted,"I - I know what you're gonna do."

"Is that so?"I asked as I stood up, holding my phone."Well enlighten me please. What do you think I'll do? Are we gonna play 20 questions as well?"

"As much as your sarcasm is pleasing to me. No. I know what you're planning to do. You're thinking of transferring as well,"He answered."Don't."

"That's funny because you and your friends gave me every reason on why I should leave this hell hole,"I spat. He looked hurt but his determined facial features appeared again.

"No, don't. Look I know you're mad at us. I know Louis cheated on you with Maryse and all, but for the past few months, when you were with Wes did he do anything about it?"


"See. He wanted to give you time. He wanted to prove that he's changing!"

I rolled my eyes,"keep on trying. It's thanks to you dirtballs that I lost almost all my friends! And now I'm gonna do the same: leave."

I started heading to the the cafeteria until I heard him shut something.

"And then what will you do? You won't have anything left,"he shouted.

I turned around and scoffed,"like staying here is better? Who do I have left here besides Lita? Lita's practically hysterical right now. Trying to strangle Hollie. Andre's trying to calm her and it's not really working."

"You have us,"he insisted as he walked closer to me."Look, throughout the year you and I haven't really talked. I mean we do but not just the two of us."

"Yeah good thing we never did."

He gave me a coy smile,"you're purposely trying to hurt my feelings aren't you?"

"What gave that away? The fact that I look like I wanna kill you with my eyes, hoping it'd shoot out lasers or that I don't wanna talk to you?"

He chuckled and shook his head,"both, if that's possible. Look, you have me, Madison, Louis, and Mikey. Lita's gonna be fine. Just, please, promise me you won't leave. It's bad enough that Savannah, Jade, Perrie, and..and Ang left. We don't need you go to as well."

I don't know why but all of a sudden I bursted out crying, sobs racking my petite frame and I nearly dropped my phone but thank God Jason caught it and slipped it in my jacket pocket before pulling me into a hug.

"Please. Help us, and I swear everything will be fine. Please,"he whispered.

I put on hand on my back, supporting it as the other laid next to my side,"fine. But just, just give me time."

"Alright. Thank you. If you need anything ask,"he says before letting me go and walking away.

I took my hand out from behind my back and uncrossed my fingers, a smug grin grew on my face as I wiped away the tears, but the sadness growing inside of me deepens,"I'm sorry Jason. But, a girl's gotta go what a girl's gotta do."

As the day went on I felt as if today was dragging on. Like everyone else didn't want me to leave this place. But I knew better than that. This was the right choice, the right decision. All this time signals had been thrown at me to avoid drama, but I broke my own rule and stupidly decided to change all that this year.

I waited outside the school for my Mom to pick me up since I had permission to leave school early. I told Jason that I had the flu. Huh, at least I'm getting better at lying.

As for Wes, well, I told him to move on. I told him that I was leaving this school, not daring to look back from all the shit I've been through. I'm done. And I hope that they understand that this has been too much for me to deal with. I can no longer cope with being a victim of the Populars and have people stare at me and talk about me behind my back.

My mom gave me a sad smile as I climbed in the car,"you ready champ?"

I took a deep breath and nodded as I felt my eyes brim with tears that were daring to spill,"yeah..I'm ready."

As my mom turned on the ignition I saw in the corner of my eye a figure. I squinted to see that it was Madison. He gave me a bitter smile and shook his head in disapproval before sucking on the insides of his cheeks.

"Mom, drive, please,"I mumbled, looking down at my lap. I didn't have the courage to look at Madison again, because his eyes told me how disappointed he is of me. And I couldn't bare to have that weight on my shoulder, because I know it's all true.

4 More To Go....

Much Love Guys.



The New Girl | ToBeOne/2B1 [NOT EDITED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora