Chapter 2: 'Cheerlebrity'

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: gjordan2

***Savannah's POV***

I woke up early in the morning due to my alarm on my phone. I groaned as I turned it off.

"Rise and shine sweetheart,"Layla said as she poke her head in my room.

"Alright,"I said.

As she left I got out and chose some clothes. I chose red denim pants, a white high low cropped tank-top that had a black Infinity sign but it kinda shows my stomach, a black leather jacket, my black combat boots, a gray beanie, and of course my nose ring.

I had to make a good first impression I mean c'mon, my first time back in a public school after so long.

I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth cause I'm a boss nah just kidding, and I applied some make-up. Not so much that I'll be seriously damaged and addicted, enough to hide some ugliness. I did eyeliner for the wings design, lipgloss, and mascara.

I grabbed my backpack from the head of my bed and took it with me. I slung it over my shoulder as I walked to the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie,"she smiled.

I kindly smiled back as she handed me a bowl of strawberries. I took a bite of one slowly nibbling so I didn't have to think of school. When I finished it I threw the bud in the garbage and left the rest of the strawberries in the bowl, not having the stomach to eat at all. Yup, that's how nervous I am.

"Thanks Layla but I'm not that hungry,"I said.

She frowned,"are you sure?"

"Positive. I uh I'm gonna head to the school early and yeah know, so I won't get trampled by those monsters called teenagers,"I said.

She let out a small laugh,"alright. You know where it is right?"

I nodded,"Yup, after you drove me there and drove around the school like 5 times, I think I got it."

"I just wanna make sure you'll have the best day ever."

She doesn't realize how much those words mean to me. I nod and gave her a reassuring smile as I grabbed my penny board and left the house.

For a birthday present my older brother Dylan got me my first and only penny board. It was a light pink deck with perfect black wheels. Well now they're a dirty black with a lot of dirt sticking to it.

I started skating to school. It was pretty foggy considering it's almost Fall and since it is morning. I checked my watch to see the digits reading: 8:15 AM. School started at 9 so I had enough time.

By the time I got there it was 8:30. I walked into the nervous, my shoes squeaking on the floor as I took a step towards the office. I was so nervous I was ready to run out of here, like no kidding. Middle school is where drama happens, high school, is where reality happens.

When I got there I opened the door and saw the secretary. She was pretty. Her hair was a light caramel brown color that reached her collar bone, her eyes were a pretty hazel color, her skin was pale but it suited her, but it was weird she was pale because uh..she does live in L.A. Wow that was smart. She had one a simple gray cardigan, and skinny jeans.

"Excuse me,"I said.

She looked at me and smiled,"hi. I'm Mrs. Andrus, how may I help you?"

"I'm uh new here. My name's Savannah McKnight,"I replied quietly.

She looked on her computer and smiled,"I got it. Here just let me print our your schedule really quick and then I'll have someone bring you to your classes."

"Thank you."

The only sounds were the footsteps of other students outside, and the paper coming out of the printer.

"Here ya go,"she said handing me a blue piece of paper."Lita! Can you come here really quick?"

A pretty girl came out from another room. She had red hair kinda like Ariana Grande except for auburn. Her eyes were brown and I loved her style. A simple olive green tank-top, camo baggy pants, combat boots, and a black beanie.

"Yes?"she asked.

"This is Savannah, can you show her around school later? She has all the same classes as you,"Mrs. Andrus said.

"Sure,"Lita said. Then she turned to me."You ready?"

I nodded as I followed her out of the office after I said a brief goodbye to Mrs. Andrus and a thank you.

"So you're new right?"she asked.

"Uh yeah, I moved from Miami."

"Not to bother you but why did you move to L.A.?"

I sighed,"My dad is Shawn McKnight, my mother is Thalia McKnight, a lot of work things."

I left out the fact that I was only here not because of my parents but because of SMOED. I was taking Lauren's place this year because she isn't feeling well so I'll be taking over her spot this season.

"Cool. So this is our Homeroom, our teacher's Mr. Mota, he is like the chillest teacher ever. Plus we have him for 2 and 3°,"Lita informed.

When we got in I swore all eyes were on me and Lita.

"Sup Li,"a guy in his middle thirties said as he high fived Lita as she went to her desk.

"So new girl, tell everyone your name,"he said.

"Um, I'm Savannah McKnight,"I said.

"Shawn McKnight's daughter?"I heard someone mutter. Ah shit.

"Any hobbies ya like to do?"

"Uh skateboarding, sports, gymnastics, and uh yeah stuff like that,"I responded.

"Coolio. You can sit next to Michael. Dude raise your hand,"Mr. Mota called.

A spikey haired guy who sat in the back raised his hand.

I made my way to the desk and sat down and averted everyone's gazes on me.

"Hey don't sweat it, everyone will get use to you so it won't be so awkward,"Michael said.

I smiled as I looked at him,"kinda hard to believe. I'm Savannah."

"Well you already know me. But you can call me Mikey,"he grinned.

Then the bell rang. Everyone got out of their seat and Lita waited for me.

"Hey girly, so now we have P.E. for first period which sucks, but hey we're together,"she said."And we have to go to your locker cos our school sucks and they won't let us put our backpacks in the locker room."


"Ok so my locker is A30,"I said.

"Cool ok so I will meet you at the locker room and get you some gym clothes from Mr. Sherri,"Lita said.

"Awe thanks,"I said.

"No problem,"she said.

The lockers were very simple. Blue..and rusty. I dialed in the combination and put my backpack in. When I closed my locker I turned around to get hit against my locker. I looked to see Mikey with bewildered eyes as he got off of me.

"I am so sorry. My friend was an idiot pushing me,"he said.

"It's fine,"I said.

"Sooo...we have a locker next to each other as well,"he said as he put his text books in his locker.

I laughed a little,"uh guess so."

"And I think we have the same classes as well,"he smirked.

I tucked some strands of hair behind my ear,"guess so. Well I gotta go, but since we have the same classes, I guess I'll see you soon."

With that I quickly left him and headed to the lockerroom. When I got there I saw Lita, she handed me sweats and a tee which I changed in in the bathroom.

"Savannah c'mon!"I heard Lita shout.

I got out and surprisingly I didn't look too bad.

"Now let's go! Today we have a free day in the gym so we can do anything,"she said.

I laughed at her excitement as she literally dragged me into the gym.

I could already see the cliques: The Populars, The Geeks, The Jocks, and The Freaks Nobody Hung Out With. I saw Mikey with the populars, he caught me looking as he waved at me, but immediately I looked away.

"My other friends don't have this period, but I have you,"Lita said.

We sat at the stands just talking, getting to know each other better.

"So you do gymnastics?"Lita asked."And you're a McKnight."

I laughed,"yeah."

"People most bombard you and suck up to you,"she said.

"Yup. But I'm also known of my flexibility,"I informed picking at my nails.

"Really? Now you have got to show me."

I blushed,"do I have to?"


I stood up and jumped into the air to land in splits but it didn't hurt. I did it a lot, and it was kind of a habit.

"Wow, I feel so bad for you. Now you can't have babies,"she teased.

I rolled my eyes as I sat back down,"no. I'm a cheerleader. I'm sort of a cheerlebrity."

"You. You're a cheerleader?"she asked me.

"Yup. I came to L.A. to be on SMOED,"I replied.

"Well you're still a badass to me."

Well the day was pretty much a bore. At Lunch Lita went to do some work for Mrs. Andrus so I was alone.

I sat at a table not eating cos I just wasn't hungry. I was writing and listening to music.

"You're the first person I've ever seen write during lunch,"a familiar voice said.

I looked up to see Mikey grinning at me.

I smiled,"really?"

"Yo Mikey, who's this?"a guy asked. He was obviously older than me.

Then two other guys sat next to him.

"Savannah this is my bros; Madison, Jason, and Louis. Guys this is Savannah McKnight,"Mikey introduced.

"McKnight? Your parents are Shawn and Thalia McKnight?"Louis asked.

I nodded sheepishly,"yup."

I got to know them better. Apparently they're in a group called To Be One and are from New Jersey.

"Why'd you move to L.A.?"I asked.

"Work. We moved here this Summer and yeah. Also it's cool that we're finally in the same school as each other!"Madison replied."How bout you? Why did you move to L.A.?"

"My parents,"I answered."I'm usually homeschooled but now I'm doing public schooling."

"Well I see you've met the idiots of the school, or to most girls 'The Dream Boats',"Lita joked as she sat next to me.

"Well I see you've met Li,"Jason said.

"You guys know each other?"I asked.

"Know? When they were on ABDC, my mom was their tutor,"Lita replied before taking a bite of her sandwich.

"ABDC?"I asked.

They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"I like the this chick,"Louis said.

"Awe thanks, I think."

"So ABDC is America's Best Dance Crew they all were on it including 3 other guys. My mom tutored them while they were in L.A., I got to meet them, and turns out they're crazier in person,"Lita said.

"Cool,"I said.

"Aren't you on TV all the time?"Mikey asked me.

I shrugged,"not really. Mostly some shows but not all the time. I don't really care about those things."

I looked around and saw a girl younger than me getting surrounded by a bunch of the jocks. I stood up and started heading towards their direction.

"Savannah? Savannah!"I heard Lita shout.

"So you little bitch, I thought you were gonna do our homework,"one jock spat.

"I-I couldn't,"the girl said quietly with her lip quivering.

"Hey back off,"I said.

When they turned around to see who it was and saw me their eyes widened.

"Uh we uh,"the guy stammered.

"Just leave,"I ordered.

They obeyed as they trudged away leaving me with the girl.

"Are you alright?"I asked her.

She nodded,"it's fine. You didn't have to stick up for me."

"Well I kinda did, I hated how they treated you,"I said."I'm-"

"Savannah, ya I know. News fly around here, you're a McKnight right?"

"Yeah. What's your name?"

"I'm Gabrielle, but people call me Gabby,"she said.

"Well Gabby, do you wanna hang out with me and my friends?"I asked.

She looked in the direction where the guys and Lita were,"uh no thanks."

"Well at least let me take you to the nurse's office, you have bruises on your arm and cuts,"I insisted.

She smiled slightly,"sure."

I helped her carry her bag and walked with her to the nurse's office. We past by Lita who gave me a confusing look.

'Tell you later,'I mouthed.

By the time we got to the nurse's office Gabby opened up a little.

"Hey how come I haven't seen you around?"I asked.

"Oh, I'm a freshmen, you're a junior right?"

"Oh, that's why. You're just like Louis and Jason."

She blushed slightly when I said Louis' name.

"Gab, do you like Louis?"I smirked.


"Alright..just asking."

Yup she totally likes him.

Heeeeeeeeeey guys! So recently I got into this activity called 'Diablo' and I will be practicing more for school so maybe not as much updates.

Much Love Guys.




The New Girl | ToBeOne/2B1 [NOT EDITED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें