Everyone was sitting down either on their phones or staring off into space. "Is everyone ready to go?" Niall asked. We nodded in response and headed out the house. When we got outside I started to get a really bad cramp in my stomach area.

My expression matched my pain because Niall stopped me in my tracks. "Babe are you okay? You look like your in a lot of pain." He whispered.

"Im fine Niall. Dont worry about me."

Only thing I didnt know that tonight would change my life forever.


"Emma are you sure you are okay? Every like 20 minutes you start breathing like Darth Vader." Zayn asked. I nodded my head scared that if I talked my voice would crack.

Once we got to Nando's the cramps started getting worse. It started with a small period cramp to a on-going pain every half an hour. All the boys kept asking me if something was wrong but I keep saying Im fine.

"I need to go to the rest room. I will be right back!" I hurried to the bathroom. Inside, I rested my head on the cold tile wall and sighed. I could feel another cramp coming. With shaky fingers I grabbed my phone out my back pocket to call mom. "Please answer!" I cried in pain. It felt like someone was stabbing my cervix.

"Hello?" Mom answered. She sounded very tired considering it was only 7 pm.

"Mommy it hurts!" Breathing in and out. The pain eased away which calmed me down a little.

"What is going on? Where are you!" She shouted. Now mom seemed wide awake.

"These cramps are getting worse! They are like every half an hour. I am so confused." I whined.

A lady walked into a bathroom to go use a cubical. I gave her privacy by stepping out the bathroom. I could see Niall picking at his food obviously worried to death. Harry looked even worse considering I am pregnant with his kids.

"Hun I think you should go see your Doctor. Maybe he can see whats the problem. Worst scenario would be that you are in labor." Mom sighed.

I nodded my head but realised she couldnt see me. "Okay mom, I will call you with any info. Love you." I replied, walking back to the table. Niall turned to look at me and stood up.

"Okay darling. Bub-bye and happy birthday!" I hung up the phone and replaced it in my pocket.

"Are you okay princess?" Niall asked with concern. I nodded my head and walked over to Harry. I bent down to ear level to whisper in his ear, "I thinks its time to go to the hospital." Harry immediately threw his napkin down and stood up. Rebecca looked at him with a confused expression and so did the rest of the boys.

"Sorry guys I have to take Emma to the hospital."

"Emma arent you due in another month? It seems pretty early to be giving birth!" Liam questioned me. "Im not sure I am in labor. But right now only time can tell." Harry latched his hand with mine. Our fingers werent entwined like a couple but we were holding hands. Niall didnt looked phased by it but Rebecca was another story. She looked like she was ready to rip our hands apart and beat me to a pulp. Jealous much?


"Hello, how may I help you this fine evening?" The nurse asked. Instead of going to the Hospital, Harry drove me to the Birth Centre. Not that im giving birth or anything, its just to make sure everything is fine.

"I am Emma Tomlinson, Dr.Reese is my doctor. For the past hour or so these strong cramps have been occuring. About every half an hour or so."

The nurse typed a few thing on the computer before responding. "Okay follow me into Room 1. We will get you a ultrasound then go from their." Harry and I followed the lady into a ultrasound room. She helped me onto the table and pulled me shirt up.

Finding The Carrot KingWhere stories live. Discover now