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My hand grabs the large one next to mine. The first two finals are done. I have a pretty good feeling but I know that my argumenting in Literature wasn't good. Biology yesterday was pretty easy. Josh's hand is warm against my cold one. Niall left after he told me that he loves me. I didn't say anything after that. We didn't talk for a while like usually. He always takes the first step but I think I can do it this time. I decided to tell Niall that I want to be his girlfriend after school. Niall isn't so bad afterall.

"I'm going to look for Niall and ask him how his tests were", I tell Josh, letting go of his hand.

Okay, I just lied to Josh. I only want to look for Niall to ask him to talk to me after school.

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch", he smiles.

I part from Josh, looking for Niall in the hallway. We have Math together now. I get to the room in no time. My eyes wander around the class room. Niall's not here yet. I hope he's here. I didn't see him today. The class fills up. Our teacher enters the room, just as the bell rings, locking the door behind himself. I shrug. He's probably just sick or something but that means he has to repeat the test. The minutes pass, as we do some problems that could be in our finals tomorrow.

"Alexandra? Do you know where Niall is?", our teacher suddenly asks.

"No, sir. But I will tell him what we did today", I say.

Suddenly a knock is heard. Wow, someone's really late today. It's like 20 minutes since the lesson started. The door opens and in comes Niall with really messy hair. His shirt has a dried white spot at the collar. Did he just sleep in or did he have sex with someone? I feel really pissed now.

"I'm so sorry", he speaks up.

"Sit down Niall. You're really late but since you actually care about school and have your finals tomorrow, I will let it pass."

Niall thanks him, moving towards his desk next to mine. He plops down at his desk, laying something on my desk. It's a piece of paper. I open it.

Driving you home after school. Need to talk.

I put the paper in my bag. I'll just go there and see what he wants.


My feet carry me to Niall's car. He already sits in his car, taping his fingers on the wheel. I get into his car without greeting him. He turns on his car.

"How's it going?", he asks.

"Oh, I'm fine. What was up with you in Math? You were so late", I question.

"I learned the whole night and after the test, I went to the library, I was finished 20 minutes early. I fell asleep in the meantime. The librarian found me in the back, so she woke me up", he explains.


Niall turns into my road, where my mother is working on the flowers. It's getting warmer. Just as I think Niall wants to stop at my house, he drives past it. I take a look in the rear-view mirror, seeing my mother wave at us. Niall planed this.

"Where are you taking me?", I ask.

"Not telling you", he smirks.

I pull the sleeves of my hoodie over my hands. The black material is soft. Niall takes my hands, parting them. His fingers lock with mine. The feeling is amazing. Everytime he touches me, a tingling sensation shoots through my body. He lays our hands on my theigh. The warmth of his hand makes me feel a little more comfortable than before.

"Niall, I actually wanted to tell you something", I admit quietly.

"Okay but tell me after what we're doing, okay?"

I nod. He turns into the road of our shopping mall. What are we doing here? Niall finds a parking spot near the entrance. I give him a questioning look.

"I heard you don't have a dress yet but Miranda showed me a picture of you in one you liked but didn't buy. We're here to buy you a dress or complete outfit for Prom", Niall explains.

I completely forgot that Prom is in two weeks. We need to start decorating tomorrow, too. I still need to text the others about this. We can do this.

"That's so sweet, Niall."

"And I still need to pick up my suit", he admits.

We get out of the car. I put my wallet into my hoodie pocket. Niall grabs my hand. We walk to the shop Miranda found her dress. The same shop assistant comes walking up to us. She grins widely.

"Hello! Are you here to get that dress you tried on?", she smiles at me.

Her eyes wander to Niall, then back to me. She smiles more widely.

"Yes, it would be very nice of you to help me find it", I tell her honestly.

The middle-aged woman nods quickly, gesturing us to follow her. Many girls are here, last-minute shopping their dresses. Most of the girls already have their dresses in their hands. The woman leads us to a dressing room. Niall sits down on the couch across it. I close the curtain of the dressing room. My hoodie finds a place on the small chair in the corner. The woman soon comes back with my dress in her hand. She enters the dressing room, helping me into it.

"I knew you would find someone. Your friend Miranda told me to put this dress into our storage room, so no one buys it. Your date is a real sweetheart", she tells me while zipping up my dress in the back.

It still fits perfectly. She opens the curtain, revealing me to Niall. He just stares at me. I can't tell what he thinks. My hands fumble with each other. The shop assistant leaves me and Niall to ourselves. He gets up from the couch, taking my hands in his. I look up at his face.

"I love it", he smiles, kissing my cheek.


About two hours later, I have everything for Prom and Niall has everything he needs. I spend like $170 in Sephora. We're on our way home, when my phone rings. I see it's Josh.

"Yeah?", I ask.

"Did you tell him yet? Miranda told me everything", he says.

I can literally hear his smirk through the phone. I hope that Niall didn't hear it.

"I didn't but I'm about to. Just give me five minutes", I groan in annoyance.

"Go get some, girl", he holers.

"Fuck you, Josh", I laugh lightly.

He wishes me luck, hanging up on me. I put my phone back. Niall stops in front of my house. It's dark outside. His car stands in my driveway with us in it.

"Niall, I have to tell you something. You asked me this one particular question a few times. I didn't answer sometimes but I have an answer", I say, looking over at him.

He looks quite excited. My eyes wander around his face a few times. I really love this boy.

"Yes, Niall. I want to be your girlfriend", I say.

Niall takes my face into his hands, pulling my face to his. Our lips touch and an explosion errupts in my body.

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