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I lay down on my bed. Niall stayed here until 11:00 pm. We just talked a bit. Just some random stuff, like what he got for Christmas and what he'll be doing on New Years Eve. He won't be doing anything special just like me because I'm alone. Tomorrow I have to go to therapy. My therapist made a appointment on a holiday for me, so she can fly to Bali for her vecation. I already joked around with her that she should take me in her bag because I've never been to Bali and really would like to go there. It's beautiful. Suddenly I feel my phone vibrate next to me.

N: Come over.

A: Why?

N: Just come over. Bring sleeping stuff.

I get out of my comfortable bed. I pack my bag quickly and get dressed into my favourite hoodie and some black sweats. The car keys lay on the table in the kitchen. I take it and get into my new car. It's amazing. I love it. When I arrive at Niall's place, I already see the light in the kitchen turned on. Niall stands at the window, a cigarette in his mouth. He started again? I thought he stopped. As soon as he sees me park in front of his house, he moves from the window. The door opens, as I stand in front of it. Niall's cigarette still hangs from his mouth.

"You wanted me to come over", I state.

Goosebumps rise on my skin. The cold air nips at my face. He steps asside to let me in. I take my jacket off and hang it up on the rack. My brown Timberlands stand next to Niall's black ones.

"I just didn't want you to be alone", he tells me.

I nod and look at him. He puts his cigarette out.

"Why do you smoke again?", I ask worried about his smoking problem.

"I just thought a lot and felt the need, so I just started it again", he explains, leading me to his room.

We sit down on his bed. He gets his laptop from the bedside table.

"Did you actually get all of the decorations for Prom done? Because I found some really nice letters for the picture area. Maybe we could buy them", he tells me, opening a page on Amazon.

"Yeah, I got everything done already. We just have to call the flower place and the DJ one last time."

I look down at the screen. He shows me a Prom 2017 lettering in silver but it has a blue shimmer to it. I like it.

"It's nice. We could hang up some CD's in the backround aswell", I say.

He nods and clicks the "buy" button. He orders them. We're going to decorate in the week starting May 4th. Principal Taming already agreed and gave us the money we need which is almost nothing for a party that big. We just have to pay the DJ, the flowerplace, the photographer, some of the decorations and the new Prom King & Queen crowns. But it's not much. We decide on watching a movie which is Footlose. I love that movie. Niall and I sing along to the music once in a while. Suddenly, in the middle of the movie, the lights in his room go off. He pauses the movie quickly.

"This is not happening", he mumbles, looking out the window.

He presses the light switch some more times. It doesn't work. I take a look out of the window. It's snowing like crazy. It's a snowstorm. If I don't leave, I'm stuck here for a while.

"Seems like we're going to have some fun here for a while", Niall tells me.

I nod. We just decide to watch some more movies until we're tired. I love Ren. He's so cute and nice towards Ariel. Oh man but her boyfriend is such a jerk.

"If you ever have a boyfriend like Ariel, I'll beat him up like Ren", Niall mumbles.

"Okay but what if he makes me happy? You always say that you want me to be happy", I thow back at him.

He shrugs, clicking on another movie.

"I'd still beat him up because he would just want to be with you to sleep with you just like that dude. Ren is so much better for Ariel. Just find a nice guy not a player. You don't deserve that, birdy."

"But it would make me sad to see my best friend beat up my boyfriend but I would keep my eyes open for the right guy."

He kisses my cheek. The screen turning to the movie title. John Tucker must die. I glare at Niall. This movie is so corny. It's such a typical High School movie.

"See, I don't want you to have someone like that", Niall says.

The guy dates like 3 girls at once and they all decide to take revenge on him with this new girl. She actually falls in love with him and he does, too, but *Spoiler Alert* they don't because she likes his brother more.

"I would never like someone like that", I tell him honestly.

"Why? I mean love finds it ways. Sometimes bad ways, sometimes good ways. Just like Liam and you. Christina and I? I just want you to be careful who you fall in love with", he explains.

I just nod and watch the movie again. As soon as the scene comes when they skype and she seduces him, Niall starts squirming. I hit his shoulder, so he stops but he just continues.

"Niall! Stop. I'm trying to watch the movie. You keep moving the laptop", I groan.

"I'm trying but my little friend down here doesn't want to stop coming up", he growls, pausing the movie.

"Seriously? You're just watching a girl skype to an asshole half-nacked! How can that turn you on?", I spit out.

"I can't tell you because I don't know", he says, getting up and going to the bathroom.

He's probably getting himself off. Gross. I'll just watch the movie alone until he's back. That Tucker guy is such a jerk. I wish to never have a guy like him in my life. Liam was problem enough. Niall comes back soon, as the movie's almost over. I slide to the side, so he has enough space. He lays his arm around my shoulders. His arm is warm. The movie is finished soon.

"Wanna go to sleep? It's already three in the morning", Niall yawns.

I just nod and get up, trying to leave the room, so I can sleep on the couch. Niall stops me by holding my arm in his hand. He pulls me back.

"Cuddle with me", Niall says quite demanding.

I obey and lay back down between him and the wall. It's really awkward to cuddle with your best friend when it's stormy outside and you're worried that you won't get home or to therapy. Niall wraps his arm around my waist, pulling my body to his. My head lays on his chest. I put my hand on his heart, feeling the beat. We lay in the position which most couples love. Niall lays on his back and I lay on my side. My head lifts with his breathing. His breath meets my head once in a while, making me warmer. It's freezing. The blanket isn't enough.

"Are you cold?", he suddenly asks.

He must've felt me shivering. I nod and feel him move around a bit. He pulls out another blanket from under his bed. He picks up the blanket we're now laying under and wraps this one around me like a burrito. I pull the other blanket up to my chin, preventing me from freezing. Niall decides to switch positions, so I lay with my face towards his chest, being pressed to his body by strong arms. I have my arms crossed over my chest to save some space and make it comfortable for both of us.

"Good night, birdy. I love you", he mumbles into my ear.

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