Friday. November 4th, 2016

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Dear diary,

I can't stop thinking about him. His on my mind constantly. Every little thing reminds me of him. Is this what a break up feels like? Why does it hurt so bad? It's been almost a year since I was something of significance to him. Why do I care so much? Maybe it's because he's remained constant in my life. That's probably a reason why. It truly hurts that he unfollowed me off the social media. Like, I wonder if that was an easy thing to do for him. If he just did it because he didn't care anymore, or because he needed to forget me to move on. I wonder if that will always be a mystery for me. You know, part of me kinda hates him. Like why the heck does he have so much of a control over my life. Maybe it's because at one point he actually loved me. I wonder if he still does. It's bad to think that if I got a clean slate with him, I'd probably take it. It really makes me angry that I think that way. Like why can't I just hate him and be done with it. Why do I have to love him? Why?! Ugh, it's utterly frustrating. Anyways, I'm done ranting about him. He's not worth my time. For every time I think about him. I'm going to think of one thing I like about Austin.

Much Love,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2016 ⏰

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